Re: ADSM Console??

1999-02-04 15:42:16
Subject: Re: ADSM Console??
From: Bo Ossinger <ossinger AT WSU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 12:42:16 -0800
Just start your admin client with the -console option:  "dsmadmc -console".

At 02:55 PM 2/4/99 -0500, you wrote:
>        Question:  Before I was put in charge of ADSM for our company I saw
>that the previous ADSM manager had a console on his desktop that displayed
>something like a real-time activity log from the server.  I've been looking
>for the program that does this, and doing a q actlog gets tiresome if you
>just want to monitor what is going on.  I know you can run the server in the
>app mode and see what is going on, but that isn't really an option.
>Does anyone know of a little console app that just displays this?  Or am I
>missing something in the q actlog to make it loop?
>Fyi:    Windows NT Server v4.0 SP3
>ADSM v3.1.2.13
>-Wes Lewison
>Technical Programmer/ADSM Development
>Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.

Bo R. Ossinger                 phone: 509-335-0920
Washington State University    fax:   509-335-6635,,,50920
Information Technology         mailto:ossinger AT wsu DOT edu
Production Support Systems
PO Box 641222
Pullman, WA  99164-1222
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