Re: Dataset allocation of ADSM for MVS V3

1999-01-29 07:11:18
Subject: Re: Dataset allocation of ADSM for MVS V3
From: "Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM" <Eric-van.Loon AT KLM DOT NL>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:11:18 +0100
Hi Bill!
Last week I created a devclass with devtype=file and a maxcap=2047M.
I wanted to use this deviceclass for Export processing.
ADSM allocates this dataset in primary and secondary extends.
When I started an export, it ran for some time until the dataset was full.
ADSM issues a B37 abend and deletes the export dataset.
In my second attempt I pre-allocated the export dataset and started an
export with that dataset as input (volumename=datasetname). This issued a
message: "duplicate dataset name" which indicates that ADSM tries to
re-catalog the dataset while it is already cataloged (of course, I
pre-allocated it).
I haven't tested this for normal backups, only for exports and maybe this
bug is fixed in the version 3 server code. I'm using a server on
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon

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