Moving storage pools

1999-01-21 16:22:51
Subject: Moving storage pools
From: Bo Ossinger <ossinger AT WSU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:22:51 -0800
We will be replacing our 3570 tape libraries with a 3575 soon, and need to
plan our migration path.  In the past, we've used the export/import
function to move nodes between physical libraries.  Is that the right
method, or is there a better and/or easier way?

Bo R. Ossinger                 phone: 509-335-0920
Washington State University    fax:   509-335-6635,,,50920
Information Technology         mailto:ossinger AT wsu DOT edu
Production Support Systems
PO Box 641222
Pullman, WA  99164-1222
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