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2015-10-04 17:48:51
Thanks for all the replys I got regarding my problem with the scheduled backup of exchange.
The problem was fixed when I removed the environment variable DSM_GDIR = C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 and I also moved
the ADSMV3.DLL to the ADSM client directory. I installed the ADSM Client and the exchange agent without setting the variable DSM_GDIR = C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32  or moving the ADSMV3.DLL to the system32 directory.
Is this something to watch out for with the new client ?
I also copied this proceedure to backup the SQL Servers wich didn't like the \DSM.OPT definition in the path and I had to remove the backslash.
We also use filespace queries to verify the succesfull backup of all nodes and the exchange agent node doesn't have an entry in the  
                                                Last Backup Start Date/Time -
                                                Last Backup Completion Date/Time -
We checked the exchsched.log and confirmed that the backup completed succesfully.
All other backup clients including SQL nodes report a start and completion when succesfull.
Is this a client problem or a exchange agent problem ?
Thanks again for your help and I hope this may help others.
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