Re: Is data encrypted in storage pools?

1998-12-17 12:07:06
Subject: Re: Is data encrypted in storage pools?
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:07:06 -0500
>I suggest that anyone who is interested in having data encryption
>should push for it to be included in the product as soon as possible.

It would be a feature which would help secure data on ADSM tapes, but...
Doing this would cover only that instance of the data, and not the instances
of the data as it is native on the client system, or as it is being
transmitted across networks, etc.  So it's rather illusory.  The data
is best secured by it being encrypted at its origin, as it resides in
its native file system.         Richard Sims, BU
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