export question

1997-03-01 15:22:40
Subject: export question
From: Leonard Boyle <SNOLEN AT VM.SAS DOT COM>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 15:22:40 EST
If one wants to export a node from one server to another. Both servers
can use the same removable media. Assume perfect collaction.

Is there any way to just export the node info and data base entrees
from the first server and import to the second. And use the same media.

From My reading of the export/import commands, one would have to
use the export node command and read all the data and write to new
media that then has to be read in on the target server.

Thanks len

Leonard Boyle, Mainframe support            snolen AT DOT com
Leonard Boyle, Mainframe support            snolen AT DOT com
SAS Institute Inc.                          ussas4hs@ibmmail
Room E206                                   (919) 677-8000 ext 6241
203 SAS Campus Drive
Cary NC 27513
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