Re: ADSM and DFS

1997-01-16 13:41:17
Subject: Re: ADSM and DFS
From: "Prather, Wanda" <PrathW1 AT CENTRAL.SSD.JHUAPL DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 13:41:17 -0500
We are AIX 4.1.4, using the ADSM 2.1.5 ba client.

We have two DCE cells with 5 RS6000's each.

On one of the cells, we have our user data files defined in JFS file
systems exported to DFS.
Then you can use the current ADSM server and AIX client and back them up
just fine.

It is not an ideal situation--  One of the advantages of DFS is that you
can set up file systems so that a user sees the same view of their files
no matter what server they are logged on to.
When you back the files up as JFS, the user would have to be signed on
to the system that actually owns the JFS file system to do a restore.
So we don't tell the users about ADSM, we just tell them to call User
Help if they need a restore, and we do it for them.

I think you also lose the ability to replicate files via AIX, and lose
the ability to use extended ACL's that DFS provides.  Anyway, it isn't
perfect, but it works great for us.

Our other DCE cell has real DFS/LFS file systems.  We can't use ADSM for
those.  We are anxiously awaiting R12 of the AIX ADSM server (due out in
Feb.) that will provide real DFS support when using the AIX 2.1.6

>From:  James Purdon[SMTP:james_purdon AT merck DOT com]
>Sent:  Thursday, January 16, 1997 9:08 AM
>To:    Multiple recipients of list ADSM-L
>Subject:       ADSM and DFS
>  Is anyone using ADSM with DFS?  If so, how?
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