Re: new adsm client for dfs backups

1997-01-03 18:12:11
Subject: Re: new adsm client for dfs backups
From: Shyh-Wei Luan <luan AT ALMADEN.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 15:12:11 -0800
You can consider using the DFS 2.1 "buta" for AIX 4.1.4 to eliminate the need of
disk space for storing the dumps before they are sent to ADSM.  With the buta,
you also get an ADSM DFS-fileset backup solution which is integrated with the
native fileset-backup system of DFS.

As Werner Baur at LRZ pointed out earlier with AFS, a separate incremental file
backup can be done where per-file restore is desired, using the ADSM's DFS file
backup client on AIX (also available in Client PTF 6), and you use the fileset
backup for fast recovery from disk failures.

Shyh-Wei Luan
IBM Almaden Research Center

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Sorry.  I should have been more clear.  I'm referring to AIX clients.  DFS
stands for distributed file system.  I'm fairly new to AIX and DFS, so I can
only tell you how we use it in our shop.  It is one file space that is
accessible to all our nodes on our RS6000 SP.  Our current backup method is
to dump the entire filespace (using the ftsdump utility provided by IBM) to
JFS, then backing that file up through ADSM.  That equates to backing up all
files on DFS every day.  It uses disk space to store the dump, and
additional tapes for the ADSM backup of the dump as well as increases the
complexity of backups and restores of an individual file.
To: Hilton Tina
Subject: Re: new adsm client for dfs backups
Date: Friday, January 03, 1997 9:17AM

Please tell me what DFS is, please.
Thanks, Orin Rehorst
Port of Houston Authority

Hilton Tina wrote:
> I'm thrilled that the new client code will back up files on dfs, but the
> announcement letter says it needs level 12 of the the server, which isn't
> available yet.  Anyone out there know when that will be available and
> other enhancements will be included with the new server code?
> Tina Hilton
> Thomson Consumer Electronics
> Indianapolis, IN

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