Re: Usefullnes of ADSM requirements page??

1996-12-06 17:15:07
Subject: Re: Usefullnes of ADSM requirements page??
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 17:15:07 -0500
Dave Crockett of ADSM development remarked:
>I sure hope that our participation on this list is a little bit more
>obvious to others.

To sum up my reaction to ADSM developer participation on this list:
I've been in IBM systems data processing for over 25 years and became
accustomed to the customer being told what IBM thought was best for
the customer, and requests to IBM for improvements in software being
treated like just annoyances.  So I basically joined ADSM-L for the usual
inter-sharing of information with other customers, helping supporting each 
Then I started seeing postings from ADSM documentation people, technical
support, and DEVELOPERS!  Then I started seeing them soliciting suggestions
for improvements...and even listening to a problem, going away, and coming
back with a coded solution asking "Does this do what you wanted?"!!
Suffice to say that it was a stunning experience, something that it took me
about a month to get used to - not that I fully have.  So my reaction is that
this is remarkable, the likes of which I've never seen before, from any vendor
for that matter.  I don't know if the ADSM people are doing it per corporate
instruction or more local instruction from their enlightened management, but
it is precisely the way that a more effective product results...and more
satisfied customers result, meaning they have a great feeling about ADSM and
recommend it to others, which means the philosophy improves the bottom line.
Sometimes we and the ADSM people get into impassioned exchanges about the
technology; but that is because we all care so much about making it even
better.  And that's why we're all in the respective jobs we are in.

So, yes, ADSM personnel participation on this list is very much appreciated.

    Richard Sims, Boston University Office of Information Technology