Dell, thanks *very* much. That seems to be exactly what we need, and will save
us a lot of effort.
One comment, however: even after seeing your note, finding this option in the
One comment, however: even after seeing your note, finding this option in the
manual is fairly difficult:
1. The DSMC command itself isn't listed in the index, although its subcommands
2. The nodename option is mentioned once you find the section on the DSMC
command, but not described. If you look hard enough, you'll find that you
need to go to the client options reference section of the manual.
3. Once you get to the client options reference section, there is a table of
contents of sorts directing you to the page on the nodename option.
If you know to look under client user options in the index, you can find the
existence of the nodename option. However, the option is not separately
indexed, so if you're trying to figure out something about nodenames, you'll
never find it. Nor are the various options listed in the real table of
contents, which would have been a big help as well.
Richard A. Schafer
Richard A. Schafer
Manager, Network & Systems Support
Rice University
Office of Networking Services
P.O. Box 1892 Voice: (713) 527-4984
Houston, Texas 77251 FAX: (713) 527-6099