We currently have 4 Netware clients and are considering when/why/if we
should use ADSM to backup any or *many* more. More expertise is
necessary at installation and even restore time than we'd like, but
we're coming to understand the requirements a little better. Once set
up, though, ADSM just has to run reliably, or clearly give us an
indication of a problem. Enough babbling ... sorry ...
We've recently "discovered" the administrator "Query FIlespace"
command. Among other things, it shows the time of last backup. Two of
my Netware ADSM clients show the BINDERY backed up as the last
filespace during each scheduled backup. However, another two Netware
clients show everything except the BINDERY backed up. The BINDERY
backup times are a number of days ago when (probably) an explicit
BINDERY backup was done. The options file for these latter clients
have the following DOMAIN statements:
DOMAIN all-local
DOMAIN bindery
(Yea, the second explicit DOMAIN BINDERY is not required, but the
Netware administrator coded it that way ... and it *seems* like it
should be OK).
For what it's worth, the Netware clients that are "working" explicitly
specify each filespace. For example,
DOMAIN capslan\vol1: capslan/sys:
DOMAIN capslan\bindery
Is something going wrong? If so, is it an ADSM bug? How might I fix
Thanks for any insights,
Wayne T. Smith
Systems Group -- CAPS internet: wts AT maine.maine DOT edu
University of Maine System BITNET/CREN: WTS@MAINE