ADSM Redbooks

1994-08-25 21:16:24
Subject: ADSM Redbooks
From: Cyndie Behrens <cbehrens AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 18:16:24 PDT
Just wanted to make sure you were aware of the current ADSM Redbooks
that are available NOW!  Many other books are underway!  Feedback on
the current books is always welcome!  Suggestions on what other
books you'd like to see would be great too.....

 ADSM Presentation Guide, GG24-4146-01
 ADSM Implementation Examples, GG24-4034
 ADSM Advanced Implementation Experiences, GG24-4221
 Getting Started with ADSM/6000, GG24-4421
 Getting Started with ADSM/2, GG24-4321

Cyndie Behrens
ITSC - San Jose
cbehrens AT DOT com
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