CID installation...

1994-08-11 16:47:23
Subject: CID installation...
From: Horace Tang <htang AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 13:47:23 PDT
>I am attempting to install an ADSM OS/2 Client via CID.  I am a naive
>Lan Manager/CID user.  I have modified the CIDINST.CMD and the
>ADSMRESP.DAT files per the OS/2 User's Guide, p. 9ff, but CIDINST fails
>with the following message in the ErrorLog:

>EPFIE188:  The file ('S:\CID\RSP\ADSM\ADSMRESP.DAT') is in use and cannot
>be accessed, or cannot be found.

>However, I am able to 'type' and 'e' this file using the identical path
>name from the client machine with no problem.  My OS/2 Client software is
>IP20148.  I am running LM3.0 IP07045 with CID installed by a now departed
>(not dead, just went to work elsewhere) co-worker.


  Hmmm, I don't think I have not seen that before, I have a LANServer
(that's what I assume you mean when you said LM3.0) and I copied all of
my 4 disks onto a directory there.  I have the CIDINST.CMD on a local
drive and edited it to point to the LANServer drive/directory, I started
it and it ran fine...Make sure that the permissions are set correctly
for the file, and rerun it.  If you still have a problem, I would like
to see your CIDINST.CMD and ADSMRESP.DAT files and what your exact
configuration is, send it to my id htang AT DOT com

Horace Tang
ADSM Development
htang AT DOT com
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