Re: auto-scheduling with MAC

1994-08-03 18:10:02
Subject: Re: auto-scheduling with MAC
From: "Brett Walker (408)256-0265 Fax:" <walkerbl AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 15:10:02 PDT
Re: Note from you attached below


>(Some of my MAC users also learned that dropping the "ADSM
>Preferences" file on to "TeachText" causes the file to be edited.  Too
>bad the preferences file isn't associated with TeachText instead of
>the ADSM Backup client.  Every MAC user I've met wants to click on the
>preferences file in order to change it).

The reason we made it such that when you click on the prefs file ADSM
Backup is started, is so that you can have multiple prefs files (maybe
with different exclude statements, or set up to go to a different
server), and simply double-clicking on the proper prefs file will
start up ADSM using that prefs file.

If you want TeachText launched instead, all you need to do is change
the Creator id of the prefs file from ANSB to ttxt (casing is important).
Using the program ResEdit, open the prefs file and choose
"Get Info for ADSM Prefernces" in the File menu.  The dialog has a field
for Creator that you can change.

Hope this helps...

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