Re: Forcing a backup

1993-09-24 10:52:09
Subject: Re: Forcing a backup
From: David E Boyes <dboyes AT IS.RICE DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 09:52:09 -0500
> Are other people concerned with the lack of disaster recovery support in the
> product?  As it stands, there is no way to use ADSM to recover a LAN server
> from scratch.

Hmm. If ADSM were to build disk images -- which is what would be
required to do SA restore of a bootable system, it'd be hard to
use ADSM to restore your disk after you bought a new one of a
different size -- the old problem with DDR not supporting
restores to different types or sizes of device is directly
analogous. One could argue that installing OS/2 from a CDROM is a
pretty easy step, and enough TCP/IP to get NFS up and running
fits on about 5 backup diskettes with a little imagination and
pruning. Once you have that, you can mount another machine to get
the ADSM client, and proceed to restore from there. I'd argue
that using this method is probably about as good as one could do
w/o having to know everything about every possible operating
system one could install on a PC. I'm certain that I *don't* want
ADSM messing with the boot blocks and/or partition table --
that's a distinctly unfriendly thing to do in a multi-OS
environment and takes an awful lot of carefully thought-out code
to do correctly even in the simple case of only one OS, as it's
not really well documented.

There was a red book (GG24-3780) on doing remote installs of OS/2
over a LAN from a backup server; I think it took about 2 or 3
diskette swaps to get a working system. The CDROM method takes
one diskette swap and two reboots to get to a working system; I
just did it a few days ago to repartition my disk. Restoring
TCP/IP took longer than the whole OS install.

I'd imagine one could do something very similar for most of the
other clients except the Mac and Novell clients; I'm just not
sure there is enough support in MacOS to do the right stuff, and
System 7 is too big to fit on a floppy anyway.
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