Making VMTAPE and ADSM live happily ever after

1993-09-24 08:08:03
Subject: Making VMTAPE and ADSM live happily ever after
From: David E Boyes <dboyes AT IS.RICE DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 07:08:03 -0500
 Someone had asked about making VMTAPE and ADSM live in peace and harmony.
 I've defined a separate scratch pool in VMTAPE and assigned the server
 userid to that pool in SCRPOOL ASSIGN.

 This is the DSMMOUNT exit I use:

 * ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager                                   *
 * User tape mount exit                                                 *
 * 09/13/93 DEB Derived from IBM example and Chris Martin's WDSF mount  *
 *              exit code. Kudos to chrism AT rice DOT edu.                    *

 Trace Off
 Address Command

 /* ---------------------------------------- */
 /* Get parameter list.                      */
 /* ---------------------------------------- */

 Arg serverName mountWait requestNum devType volName ,
     serverVaddr mountMode format stgPoolName .

   /**                                                              **/
   /**             Customer's mount procedures go here.             **/
   /**                                                              **/

 fmt = 'DEN 38K'
 if devType = '3480' then fmt = 'DEN 38K'
 if devtype = '6250' then fmt = 'DEN 6250'
 if devtype = '1600' then fmt = 'DEN 1600'

 if mountMode = 'R/O' then ring = 'NORING'
    else ring = 'RING'
 if volname = 'SCRTCH' then do
    saveword = 'SAVEFOR'
 else do
    saveword = 'OWNEDBY'

 'EXEC VMTAPE MOUNT' volname servervaddr ,
    '(' saveword servername 'FOR' servername 'LABEL SL WAIT' ring fmt

 if rc ^= 0 then 'CP LOGOFF'

 Exit 0

 You'll also need to grant DSMEXIT* (or whatever you call your mount workers)
 MOUNTFOR and SAVEFOR authority in the VMTAPE config file. I'm still tinkering
 with the DSMDELETE exit -- I'm not quite satisfied with how the semantics work
 when it's called, but I'll post it when I think it's house-trained enough to
 go visiting.
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