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References: [ +subject:/^(?:^\s*(re|sv|fwd|fw)[\[\]\d]*[:>-]+\s*)*AW\:\s+DSM\.OPT\s+override\s+question\.\s*$/: 7 ]

Total 7 documents matching your query.

1. Re: AW: DSM.OPT override question. (score: 1)
Author: Mark Stapleton <stapleton AT BERBEE DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 21:52:18 -0500
I had to laugh with this (not *at* it) because it reminds of one of my vendors. We obtained this customer when they gave up their old TSM vendor. When I started to try unravelling how their system wa
/usr/local/webapp/ (11,395 bytes)

2. AW: DSM.OPT override question. (score: 1)
Author: sal Salak Juraj <sal AT KEBA.CO DOT AT>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 08:06:16 +0200
not a direct help for your OPT problem but a general though about misconception it has been caused by: Much too often we speak - with our vendors and bosses and customers as well - about backup requi
/usr/local/webapp/ (11,079 bytes)

3. Re: AW: DSM.OPT override question. (score: 1)
Author: Andy Raibeck <Andrew_Raibeck AT TIVOLI DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 07:33:48 -0700
If the product's vendor is making a recommendation about how to back up (or how not to back up) their product, it's probably a good idea to heed that recommendation. You do not want to be in a positi
/usr/local/webapp/ (12,464 bytes)

4. Re: AW: DSM.OPT override question. (score: 1)
Author: Alan Davenport <alan.davenport AT SELECTIVE DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 10:58:48 -0400
Thank you Andy. Our group is under the impression that the vendor is thinking about the old-style (non-*SM) type of incremental backups where an operating system utility is used to take a full backup
/usr/local/webapp/ (12,758 bytes)

5. Re: AW: DSM.OPT override question. (score: 1)
Author: Andy Raibeck <Andrew_Raibeck AT TIVOLI DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 08:26:00 -0700
If you are essentially asking whether there is a way to dynamically load a new options file, then the answer is "no". But even if you could, you do not want to use INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements to inclu
/usr/local/webapp/ (16,449 bytes)

6. Re: AW: DSM.OPT override question. (score: 1)
Author: paul baines <paulbaines AT HOTMAIL DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 11:27:05 -0500
Is this not simply using the DSM_CONFIG environment variable to point to a different DSM.OPT file? Thank you Andy. Our group is under the impression that the vendor is thinking about the old-style (n
/usr/local/webapp/ (12,979 bytes)

7. Re: AW: DSM.OPT override question. (score: 1)
Author: Alan Davenport <alan.davenport AT SELECTIVE DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 13:04:51 -0400
Oh for Pete's sake. ABSOLUTE! Do you ever have a day where you feel especially dense? Thank you very much! I knew about absolute mode and forgot that I knew. The only thing that makes me feel better
/usr/local/webapp/ (11,929 bytes)

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