What to expect after a successful cluster failover DURING a TDP backup/archive?


Active Newcomer
Jul 2, 2013
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Hi. The organization I work for has dozens of MS-SQL DBs hosted in Windows machines and clustered as MS Resource Groups, about 20 of them. TDP4SQL is properly configured in all of them, and when a cluster failover happens, or resource group ownership is changed on purpose, the new owner node assumes properly its TSM functions. It have happened and worked fine a bunch of times, I can confirm.

But what is it normal to expect if somebody changes the owner node while a scheduled TSM backup or archive is running ?
Shall the backup/archive schedule fail, because node parameters changed on the fly, or shall it end successfully ?

Thanks for any answer, and sorry if the subject has been already discussed here ( I couldn't find any related info on WWW, tried all keywords combinations I can imagine).
Afaik there is no way how to update the node definition in time when the node has openened session on tsm.
Thank you, jbastl.
I forced the situation to happen and got a message that seems to indicate that :

ACO5422E Received the following from the MS SQL server:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.) (HRESULT:0x80131501)

As a matter of fact, I need some kind of official reference ( something from IBM would be the best ) to show DBAs that they cannot blame TSM for backup failure if they switch the cluster at their will. But your answer and this message may be good for now.
