Undocumented "Show" Commands


Mar 17, 2006
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<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Code:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><PRE>

SHow commands Unsupported commands to reveal various

supplementary information.

SHow Archives PolicySet NodeName Undocumented ADSM server command to show

archives for a given Node within a Policy Set.

SHow BUFVars Undocumented ADSM server command to show

database buffer pool global variables.

SHow CART Undocumented ADSM server command to show

Cart Info from mounted volumes.

SHow CONFIG Undocumented ADSM server command to show


SHow CSVars Undocumented ADSM server command to show

client schedule variables.

SHow DBVars Undocumented ADSM server command to show

database variables.

SHow DEV Undocumented ADSM server command to show

Server Development Team + Server


SHow DISK Undocumented ADSM server command to show

DISKfiles datas.

SHow LIBrary Undocumented ADSM server command to show=

the status of the library and its drives

Meaning of fields:

busy=3D0 means the drive is not mounted or

even acquired by ADSM.

busy=3D1 should reflect ADSM using the

drive (Query MOunt). But this could

result from drive maintenance. Fix by

trying 'cfgmgr' AIX command, or killing

the lmcpd AIX process and then doing

'cfgmgr' or '/etc/lmcpd'.

online=3D0 means the drive is "offline".

In Version 2, this will only be if the


In V3, you can update a drive to be

offline, in which case the polled

flag will be 0.

polled=3D1 means that ADSM could not use

the drive for one of three reasons:

- The drive is loaded with a Non-ADSM

volume (eg a cleaner cartridge, or a

volume from the other ADSM server);

- The drive is unavailable to the

library manager (usually set this way

by load/unload failures)

- The drive cannot be opened (some

other application has it open, or

there's some connection problem, etc)

polled=3D1 means the server is polling

the drive every 30 seconds to see when

the above three conditions all clear.

(It also means that the online flag

should be 0.) When the conditions

clear, it turns online back to 1 and

the drive should now be available to

be acquired.

Note that if no tape drive is currently

available, ADSM will wait rather than

dispose of client and administrative


SHow LOCKS Undocumented ADSM server command to show

Lock hash table contents.

SHow LOG Undocumented ADSM server command to show

Log status information.

SHow LVM Undocumented ADSM server command to show

logical volume manager info: server disk


SHow LVMCOPYTABLE Undocumented ADSM server command to show

copy table status.

SHow LVMVOLS Undocumented ADSM server command to show

database and recovery log volume usage.

SHow MP Undocumented ADSM server command to show

allocated Mount Points.

SHow OBJects Undocumented ADSM server command to show


SHow OPEN Undocumented ADSM server command to show

open Objetcs.

SHow PENDing Undocumented ADSM server command to show

pending administrative and client


SHow SESSion Undocumented ADSM server command to show

Session information, including whether

it is Backup (including backing up or

restoring) or Archive (including

archiving or retrieving).

SHow SPAce &lt;nodename> FileSpace Undocumented ADSM server command to show

all SPACEMGMT Files for node.

Beware: output can be enormous.

SHow SSVARS Undocumented ADSM server command to show

Storage Service Global Variables.

SHow TIME Undocumented ADSM server command to show

the current server date and time.

SHow TMVARS Unsupported ADSM server command to show

Transaction Manager Global Variables +

Restart Record.

SHow TXN Unsupported ADSM server command to show

Transaction manager statistics.

SHow TXNT Undocumented ADSM server command to show

Transaction hash table contents.

SHow Version NodeName FileSpace Unsupported ADSM server command to show

the version of every Backup file in a

filespace, the management class used to

back it up, and when it occurred.

Example of output:

/home : / netinst (MC: OURLIBR.MGMT)

Active, Inserted 06/03/1997 16:36:46

SHow VOLUMEUSAGE NodeName Unsupported ADSM server command to

display the volumes being used by a

given Node. Does not show Copy Storage

Pools. Sample output:

adsm> SHow VOLUMEUSAGE acs1


Volume 000042 in use by node ACS1.

Volume 000043 in use by node ACS1.


IBM intends to replace this

with a similar, supported command.</PRE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

This command will tell you what task owns that oldest log record. >>>


Server memory usage information.


Server memory usage information with more details.
Is there any way to 'force' the TSM Server to utilize more of the physical memory instead of the pagefile ?

We have a case where the Windows Task Manager shows us that the TSM Server process is using about 650 MB of memory('memory usage' tab) and about 840 MB of virtual memory('VM size' tab). Since this server has about 4 GB of physical memory we would have liked to see TSM utilize more of that memory instead of the pagefile since we suspect that the server would then operate faster.

Anyone know how or if we even should 'force' the server to utilize more physical memory? :)

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>SHOW LOGPINNED

This command will tell you what task owns that oldest log record. >>>


Server memory usage information.


Server memory usage information with more details.

SHOW BFO 0 &lt;ID> - shows which backup/archive in which tape is stored.

&lt;ID> - backup/archive OBJECT_ID

tsm: TSM_SERVER1>show bfo 0 79153

0Bitfile Object: 0.791530**Sub-bitfile 0.79153 is stored in the following aggregate(s)

Super-bitfile: 0.79150, Offset: 0.31229, Length 0.2327

if it is aggregation use super-bitfile:

**Archival Bitfile Entry

Bitfile Type: PRIMARY Storage Format: 22

Bitfile Size: 0.42362 Number of Segments: 1

Storage Pool ID: 5 Volume ID: 141 Volume Name: F:TSMDATASERVER1
Hi Hari,

We are unable to download and can you attach it again.
BTW: The show commands are undocumented, not supported and used at your own risk.
Do not use wild card with any of the show commands, it will crash the TSM Server.

Good Luck,