TSM VE proxy vCenter migration


Apr 13, 2007
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Has anyone migrated TSM VE proxy from one vCenter to other?

Our VMware team migrating their vSphere environment from v5.1.3 to v6.1.
They are simply installing a new vCenter server running on 6.1 and detaching ESXi hosts from old vCenter server and adding to new vCenter server.

TSM VE documentation suggests to run configuration wizard to re-configure with new vCenter server. However, there is no mention of how to handle restores backed up on old vcenter.

Please share your experience if you had gone through this exercise already.

Yes, we had our VMWare team migrated to a new VCenter server and migrated VM's to the new vcenter the same way. I recommend upgrading to the v7.1.4 to run this on vmware v6.1 first if your not on there already. Then I had to go through the following steps, we were running our Datamover on windows server 2008R2 but believe these to be the same steps on newer versions of windows. I had to swing it back and forth as we were migrating new SAN as well so we had prod hosts on both Vcenters:

Pre - shutdown services, cad, schedulers, Data Protection (VMCLI), Data Protection Web Server Service, etc.

1. Update the vmcliconfiguriont.xml for us was located in C:\IBM\tivoli\tsm\tdpvmware\webserver\usr\servers\veProfile\tsmVmGUI
Changed <vcenter_url>https://old-vcenter-fqdn/sdk</vcenter_url>
to <vcenter_url>https://new-vcenter-fqdn/sdk</vcenter_url>

2. Update the vmcliprofile located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\scripts

3. Had to make sure the vmchost and vmcuser were updated in the DSM.opt file

4. Unregister the current VCENTER from the Profile
Location was C:\Program FIles (x86)\Common FIles\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin

Command: unregister_vcenter.cmd <IP or hostname if resolves> <VMware User for TSM backups> <Password for VMWARE User>

Ex> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin>unregister_vcenter.cmd 10.x.x.192 TSMUser Password
# had issues with this as it closes out and logs it but got tired of getting kicked out from the dos screen, I echoed out the exit code instead of exit with the exit code, probably breaks if patching but I'll put back in if it does.

5. Register the new Vcenter
Command: register_vcenter.cmd <IP or hostname if resolves> <vmware User for TSM Backups> <Password for VMware TSM Backup User> <Port>

ex> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin>register_vcenter.cmd 10.x.xx.xxx TSMUser Password 9080

Registered new VMChost into registry

Restart Services and then it should be pointed to the new vcenter. I was trying to find the links but like I said I had to swing this back and forth for about 2 weeks and setup manual backups for our old vcenter. I had a support ticket with IBM but majority of this stuff I found online. I can't find my links but I'm not on my work computer right now else I would post more of them. Hope this helps you out, as it's a much simpler way then re-running configuration. When I re-ran configuration wizard I had pieces of the old in there and the new so the whole thing broke.

The restores of the OLD vcenter VM's doesn't have a problem. We can restore and pick out the new host for the VM to live on. The issue will be with scheduled backups, if it was on esx01 and is still on the new, no problem, if your team is wise (sarcastic) and renames the esx hosts the scheduled backups will fail because it's looking for the esx1 with the VM on it. They will instead go to lost VM's or something like that. So you'll want to pay attention to your sources on the new Vcenter, as I didn't realize until my reports showed failed schedulebackups.