TSM tape reporting tool for library (libvol) , vol , and acsls or 3494 inventory


Oct 21, 2002
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In case anyone wants it, I've written a nice perl script that gives a list of

tapes in an STK ACSLS library, the output from a 'q libvol', and a 'q vol'.

Additionally, it shows the state of a tape (readwrite,readonly,offsite,unavail...)

as well as the % full. If you know any perl, it can be easily modified for a 3494 using the tapeutil command. I wrote this because I was tired of trying to determine if a volumes was in the library volume output verse actually in the library (acsls). Here it's all in a single simple screen. enjoy. ( TSM server is 3.7 but version doesn't really matter, perl is version 5.5003, and running on AIX 4.3.3 server)


$acsls_output_file = "acsls.vols";

# get acsls tape listing

system "echo 'q vol all' > /tmp/perl.tmp";

system "/usr/bin/rsh acsls_server -l acsss /export/home/ACSSS/bin/cmd_proc < /tmp/perl.tmp > $acsls_output_file";

# already generated for now

open(FILE," $acsls_output_file");

open(OUTFILE,"> ${acsls_output_file}.short");

@acsls = ();

while (<FILE>) {

# only care about BB/DT/IT/BD tapes on spaten

if ( (/^s*(BBS+)/) || (/^s*(DTS+)/) || (/^s*(ITS+)/) || (/^s*(BDS+)/) ) {

#print " acsls volume = $1n";

push (@acsls,$1);

} #end if

} # end while

### testing ###

#foreach $tape (keys %acsls) {

# print "key = $tapen";


# get TSm libvol output #

@output_libvols = `/usr/bin/dsmadmc -id=sql -password=sqlsql "select volume_name from libvolumes"`;

@libvols = ();

foreach (@output_libvols) {


if ( /^([A-Z][A-Z]dddd)s+/ ) {

#print "libvol = $1n";

push (@libvols,$1);



# get TSM volume output

@output_vols = `/usr/bin/dsmadmc -id=sql -password=sqlsql "select volume_name, access,pct_utilized from v

olumes where devclass_name<>'DISK'"`;

@vols = ();

foreach (@output_vols) {


if ( /^([A-Z][A-Z]dddd)s+(S+)s+(S+)/ ) {

#print "vol = $1n";

push (@vols,"$1,$2,$3");



# use TSm volume as master list of all known tapesa

# compare the vol list with libvol list and acsls list

foreach $item (@vols) {

($tape,$state,$percent) = split(",",$item);

# search for $tape in @libvol array and then pop out value

# shorten list

$found_libvol = &find_val(*libvols,$tape);

if ($found_libvol) {

$libvol_name= $tape;

} else {



# search for $tape in @acsls array and then pop out value

$found_acsls = &find_val(*acsls,$tape);

if ($found_acsls) {

$acsls_name = $tape;

} else {

$acsls_name ="";


# print header and each line where (vol) (libvol) (acsls)



# now go through libvol array to find like database volumes

# lastly go through acsls array to find volumes in acsls not in TSM

# things that need to be fixed in other words


# subroutines #


# find a value array, if found return 1, else return 0 (not found)

# also removes the found element from array, to shorten it up

sub find_val {

local(*array_name,$value) = @_;

for ($i=0;$i <= $#array_name ; $i++)


if ($value eq $array_name[$i]) {


return 1;


} # end for loop

return 0; # didn't find

} # end sub find_val


# formats


format top =

Volume Libvol ACSLS status % full

====== ====== ====== =========== ======


format STDOUT =

@>>>>> @>>>>> @>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>

