TSM questions...


Sep 11, 2009
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Here is what I am trying to figure out. Maybe I am just missing something. But is there a command I can enter at the cli to see what version of the TSM client is installed? I have around 250 AIX servers that I currently trying to secure. One of the security holes that keeps popping up is that the TSM client has SSL issues.

Also I have many servers that are at different AIX levels. Some are 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. What are the correct version for each OS level? I have done some research and this is what I have. Please let me know if this is incorrect.

AIX 5.3/6.1 = TSM client or higher (6.1)
AIX 5.2 = TSM client 5.4.x
AIX 5.1 = TSM client 5.3.6

Also what do I have to do to force the use of passwords to access the web interface on the servers? Thanks for any help with this. I know AIX well, and have used TSM for years, but I am not a TSM admin. So that is why I am asking for your expertise on this.
DEFINE SCRIPT QNODELEVEL DESC="list nodes os_level and baclient level"
UPDATE SCRIPT QNODELEVEL "select server_name, platform, trim(char(version))||'.'||trim(char(release))||'.'||trim(char(level))||'.'||trim(char(sublevel)) as VERSION from status"
UPDATE SCRIPT QNODELEVEL "select cast(node_name as char(25)) as NODE_NAME, platform_name||' - '||case when platform_name like 'Linux%' then substr(client_os_level,1,3) else client_os_level end as OS_LEVEL, trim(char(client_version))||'.'||trim(char(client_release))||'.'||trim(char(client_level))||'.'||trim(char(client_sublevel)) as CLIENT_LEVEL from nodes order by client_level, os_level, node_name"

Would this need to be issued from the tsm server itself? I just want to query the clients from their cli. I found that dsmc will give me the version, but don't want to log into each machine and run that.
Yes, that script, once defined, is run from the TSM server, and will list out the versions for all registered nodes.
defining script

How would you "define" it on the server. Secondly will this produce a file that I can look at? Remember here, TSM admin noob. But thanks for all of the quick responses and help.
Yes, define scr and update scr will create a script on the server
You launch it with run qnodelevel
and it will list all os level and client levels AS KNOWN BY TSM SERVER
Hope it will help :)
And for forced authentication on webclient, have a look at REVOKEremoteaccess
but I don't think it will do the trick
More, I don't think there are options to lock or limit the webclient access, accept whith disable of it
LOL, so noob guy... as said, just copy the "define" and "update" lines on an administrative command line connected on the tsm server then launch run qnodelevel to have a loock at the result
If it fit your need, relaunch it with a redirection like "run qnodelevel > /some/file"
Don't forget the space at each side of redirection char >
because TSM admin line is a bit limited.....
This is defining a script, I bet you are used to seeing 'select' on the first line
Picay gave you a script that you can define once and then call it at a later date... very nice.

But it has two spaces in there that cause this script to not work

The below is a copy and paste and slight edit to take out the spaces
(one was on client_release - 'client_ release' was used and the other was on trim - 'tri m' was used)

DEFINE SCRIPT QNODELEVEL DESC="list nodes os_level and baclient level"
UPDATE SCRIPT QNODELEVEL "select server_name, platform, trim(char(version))||'.'||trim(char(release))||'.' ||trim(char(level))||'.'||trim(char(sublevel)) as VERSION from status"
UPDATE SCRIPT QNODELEVEL "select cast(node_name as char(25)) as NODE_NAME, platform_name||' - '||case when platform_name like 'Linux%' then substr(client_os_level,1,3) else client_os_level end as OS_LEVEL, trim(char(client_version))||'.'||trim(char(client_ release))||'.'||trim(char(client_level))||'.'||tri m(char(client_sublevel)) as CLIENT_LEVEL from nodes order by client_level, os_level, node_name"
I ran each line separately on the TSM command line and now it works well... you could redirect the result to a file if you want it as a report.
thanx Raakin, I just made a fast copy/past... :D
Maybe I'm intrigued easily but the listed script... is it 'joining' two table together in a sense... or maybe a better way to phrase it is selecting the results off of the preceding selecting statement?

Though I'm very interested in SQL statements I can't say I know them that well... its just the script runs very fast and references two tables... joining tables can bog down the TSM server... so how does this work exactly?
just AIX and solaris

Can I make this just query AIX and Solaris? Is this just using some sort of ODBC query?
This is not an ODBC query... usually you will have a third party program that forces you to install the ODBC.

This script is a TSM script, created in TSM (or defined in TSM) and then saved in TSM.
To see all your TSM scripts:
q script
then choose the script you want to run and type:
run qnodelevel
run qnodelevel > /home/tsmadimsarecool/node_level_report.txt
The script is more complex than my skill... I might be able to figure out how to have it select only AIX or Solaris platforms but it would take me a bit. It might be worth it to edit the script and have it run and report what platform you choose so it would look like:
run qnodelevel AIX 
run qnodelevel SOLARIS
or something like that.
no join tables, but two different select
Seems complex but very simple, in fact just some presentation
I see it now... I thought the results of the first select statement was being used as an input for the second select... I was way off - so far off I'm a bit embarrassed :redface:.

The selects statements are simply running one after another and the whole fancy-smancy of it is for formatting the output.
I think a simple answer to the "finding out what level TSM client version each node is running" is due...

"select node_name,client_version,client_release,client_level from nodes"

I am planning an upgrade, so I needed to know which servers were below 5.4, so I added...

" where client_release <4"

to just return the nodes that were not at v5.4 of the client...

I also threw in a " and where lastacc_time >current_timestamp - 5 day" to avoid getting any antiquated nodes in the list.


I see its put a space in client_level, that was not done by me, I tried to correct, must be something to do with the forum...
Hello TSMers! Will something happen, that I remove other group write permission from this config file -rw-rw-rw- /etc/adsm/SpaceMan/config/DSMNodeSet ????