TSM Operations Center - self signed certificate replacement


May 25, 2009
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A short description howto prevent from certificate warning when opening TSM OC
A short description howto prevent from certificate warning when opening TSM OC

A short description howto prevent from certificate warning when opening TSM OC:
After a fresh installation of TSM OC and configuration of server(s) always a certificate warning occurs because of a self signed web server certificate (localhost, guiserver, ...). I didn't find any documentation howto replace the certificate, so I tried it yesterday on my own risk. Here are the steps (my TSM OC is running on SLES - there may be different paths on other platforms):
1. login as root user and stop the guiserver /etc/init.d/opscenter.rc stop
2. make a backup of your server (dsmc i) to backup the gui-truststore.jks file (I made a simple copy) if something goes wrong
3. start ikeyman and open the gui-truststore.jks database (remember the password you used at installation time) - the file is located in /opt/tivoli/tsm/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer
4. create a new certificate request and provide all the necessary information (this depends on your hostname and CA requirements) - name the key label (e.g. IBM TSM OC), choose a key length of 2048 and sha1withrsa algorithm
5. the request is saved as /opt/tivoli/tsm/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer/certreq.arm - use this and send to your CA
6. when you received your certificate copy the file to your OC server and open ikeyman
7. rename the default entry to something different you want e.g. default old
8. choose receive - provide the correct path and file name to your CA signed certificate file
9. rename the new received official certificate entry (in my case IBM TSM OC) to default
10. execute /etc/init.d/opscenter.rc start
11. open your preferred browser and be happy with "no certificate errors"


  • tsmoc_certificate.png
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Hi Skentzle,

Thanks for the detailed write up. Can you post instructions on how to update or replace an expired SSL self-signed cert for TSM OC?

Hi Skentzle,

Thanks for the detailed write up. Can you post instructions on how to update or replace an expired SSL self-signed cert for TSM OC?

Hi David,

you can follow this Technote http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21045925. You'll need your password for the truststore. Create new selfsigned certificate, (extract for fallback) delete the old default entry and rename your new selfsigned to default. Restart your OC service. That's it. If you've any further questions please post here.

Greeting from Germany
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for replying to your 4 year old post! Anyways, I figured it out and its actually a lot easier. Here are the steps I took to create a new self-signed cert for the TSM OC HTTPS server:

  1. If applicable, start VNC Server and assign the VNC password
  2. Log into VNC server (this is for ikeyman)
  3. Navigate to /opt/tivoli/tsm/ui/jre/bin
  4. Invoke the IBM Key management tool
  • Open the key database - It will prompt you a password. This is the instance password when OC was first installed.
  • Create a backup of the existing key database
Click on “Export/Import…”
Create a directory 'backup' under
Export the backup kdb there
  • Delete the existing ‘default’ personal certificate
  • Create a new self signed certificate with the exact same attributes as the previous personal certificate. Use the same CN, O, OU, Signature Algorithm, Key Size, Label.... etc
  • Once complete, restart the TSM Operations Center service
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for replying to your 4 year old post! Anyways, I figured it out and its actually a lot easier. Here are the steps I took to create a new self-signed cert for the TSM OC HTTPS server:

  1. If applicable, start VNC Server and assign the VNC password
  2. Log into VNC server (this is for ikeyman)
  3. Navigate to /opt/tivoli/tsm/ui/jre/bin
  4. Invoke the IBM Key management tool
  • Open the key database - It will prompt you a password. This is the instance password when OC was first installed.
  • Create a backup of the existing key database
Click on “Export/Import…”
Create a directory 'backup' under
Export the backup kdb there
  • Delete the existing ‘default’ personal certificate
  • Create a new self signed certificate with the exact same attributes as the previous personal certificate. Use the same CN, O, OU, Signature Algorithm, Key Size, Label.... etc
  • Once complete, restart the TSM Operations Center service
Hi David,
it's a possible way. The better way for me is to use CA signed certificates. Thanks for your description.