TSM CLient TCp/IP Chnage


Active Newcomer
Jul 10, 2012
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TSM CLient TCp/IP Change

We have few windows & UNiX servers, where there names have been changed.
As the Infra team have changed the naming convention for the servers. As i am aware that after changing the server name when we
Q Se from client its TCP/IP name will be updated in the node of TSM server.
But if the TCP/IP name or IP has changed do i have to make any changes to have backup.
as Bckup is failing now.
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Normally you don't have to do anything when changing the hostname and/or the IP address. However, be aware that if the hostname changes on Windows, that will result in a new filespace as the filespace is composed of the hostname and the drive letter.

If your backup is failing, you should troubleshoot as normal, investigate the errors you are getting.

Edit to add: in some cases, if the scheduler is prompted, the server may have troubles connecting to the client, but in such a case, the backup would be missed, not failed. Changing the schedmode to polling, restart the scheduler, make sure a schedule is picked up, switch back to prompted, restart the scheduler and it normally works fine after.

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Thanks Marclant, If it is UNIX client what should we do normally after changing TCP/IP name.
few days back i had same problem but at that time i did not any error description in error log and schedlog. But thankfully those servers were removed later. But this time they need backup and backup is missing for UNIX node.
I verified by doing q n f=d in that the TCP/IP name is new one but IP is same. So same server but name is different as backup is missing.
So by recycling the services will fix the issue?


Normally you don't have to do anything when changing the hostname and/or the IP address. However, be aware that if the hostname changes on Windows, that will result in a new filespace as the filespace is composed of the hostname and the drive letter.

If your backup is failing, you should troubleshoot as normal, investigate the errors you are getting.

Edit to add: in some cases, if the scheduler is prompted, the server may have troubles connecting to the client, but in such a case, the backup would be missed, not failed. Changing the schedmode to polling, restart the scheduler, make sure a schedule is picked up, switch back to prompted, restart the scheduler and it normally works fine after.

First things first.
  1. Did you reboot the machine after the hostname/ip change? Many operating systems require that for the hostname
  2. If you did not reboot, did you restart the scheduler/cad after the change? If no, do so.
  3. Can the command line TSM Client connect to the TSM Server? That needs to work for schedules to work.
  4. Is the schedmode polling or prompted?