TDP for Exchange Sequential Full's instead of Parallel


Active Newcomer
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Jasper, IN
Looking for some guidance on how to configure TDP for Exchange 2010 so that full backups run in parallel. Currently we are using mulitple schedules in the backup console with a differnet schedule. However, the reality is they still run sequentially. What am I missing?
Looking for some guidance on how to configure TDP for Exchange 2010 so that full backups run in parallel. Currently we are using mulitple schedules in the backup console with a differnet schedule. However, the reality is they still run sequentially. What am I missing?

Use scripts that will backup defined mail stores.

For example, if mail store 1 is called "Finance", create the backup script that will JUST call "Finance" and back it up. Repeat this for as many as there are mail stores.

Create a script like:

@echo off
cd \Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPExchange

start cmd /c "tdpexe ... Finance"
start cmd /c "tdpexe ... HR"


exit 0

Call the script from one TSM schedule. This should run your backup in parallel.
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What does your exchange 2010 DAG script look like?

Hi. We are using TDP 6.4.0 on our two Exchange 2010 Sp 2, Rollup5 servers which are members of DAG. We have 10 databases, and half are active on each server. We currently use a script on each of the servers downloaded from an IBM site back in a we are reading about this single DAGNode etc but was others are doing their Exchange 2010 DAG backups. Can anyone share their scripts with us? We want to look at implementing parallel db backups as well as doing incrimentals with weekly Fulls. Any help on how to accomplish this would be helpful.

The TSM schedule kicks off the below cmd file:

REM BAckup local public folder databse
tdpexcc backup "sxmb207 dbpub" Full /logfile=backup.log

REM Run powershell script to backup passive database
PowerShell.exe -command ". 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto; backupdag.ps1"

Here's the backup script we use from IBM's site:

# #
# IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail #
# #
# Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server #
# #
# Script for backing up a DAG node - backupdag.ps1 #
# #
# 1. Check if server is a member of a DAG #
# 2. Get list of databases on server and thier replication staus #
# 3. Backup database if it meets one of the following: #
# - Local Healthy passive database copy #
# - Local Active copy where a healthy passive copy does not exist #
# - Local Non replicated/recovery databases #
# #
# Usage: #
# PowerShell backupdag.ps1 <log file path> #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #

# --- get server name ---
$server = hostname
$server = $server.ToUpper()
$isDAG = $false
$logFile = ".\backup.log"

# --- write log entry ---
function WriteOut
param($msg, $log)
Write-Output((get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') +" - " + $msg)
Write-Output((get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') +" - " + $msg) |
out-file -encoding ASCII -filepath "$log" -append:$true

# --- check parameters ---
if ($args)
$logFile = "$args"

WriteOut ("Server: " + $server) $logFile

# --- is DP for Exchange installed? ---
$versionInfo = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion
if (!$?)
WriteOut "DP for Exchange is not installed." $logFile
exit 1

# --- build full path to comand line ---
$commandLine = $versionInfo.TSMExchangePath + "TDPExchange\tdpexcc.exe"

# --- is this server a member of the DAG ? ---
$members = Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
if ( $members )
# --- look for server in DAG members ---
foreach ( $member in $members.servers )
if ( $member.Name.ToUpper().Contains($server) )
$isDAG = $true

if ( $isDAG )
# --- get mailbox databases for server ---
$databases = Get-MailboxDatabase -server $server -Status
if ( $databases )

WriteOut "Building database backup list..." $logFile
# --- initialize database backup list ----
$backupList = ""

# --- get replication type and copy status for each database ---
foreach( $database in $databases )
# --- setup state variables ---
$healthyCopyExists = $false
$localActiveCopy = $false

# --- type "Remote" indicates remote replicated copy ---
$type = $database.ReplicationType.ToString()
if ( $type.CompareTo("Remote") -eq 0 )
# --- get copy status for each database ---
$statuses = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus $database.Name
if ( $statuses )
foreach( $status in $statuses )
# --- look if a healthy copy exists ---
if ( $status.Status.ToString().CompareTo("Healthy") -eq 0 )
$healthyCopyExists = $true

if ( $status.Name.Contains( $server ) )
WriteOut ("==> Backing Up Healthy Passive Database Copy '$database'") $logFile
$backupList += ('"' + $database + '"' + ',')
elseif ( $status.Status.ToString().CompareTo("Mounted") -eq 0 )
# --- check for local active database copy ---
if ( $status.Name.Contains( $server ) )
$localActiveCopy = $true

# --- if a healthy copy does not exist, backup local active ---
if ( (! $healthyCopyExists) -and ($localActiveCopy) )
WriteOut ("==> Backing Up Active Database (No Healthy Copies Found) '$database'") $logFile
$backupList += ('"' + $database + '"' + ',')
else # --- non replicated local database ---
# --- skip local recovery databases ---
if ( ! $database.Recovery -and $database.Mounted )
WriteOut ("==> Backing Up Non Replicated Database '$database'") $logFile
$backupList += ('"' + $database + '"' + ',')
if ( $database.Recovery )
WriteOut "==> Skipping Recovery Database '$database'" $logFile
WriteOut "==> Skipping Dismounted Non Replicated Database '$database'" $logFile

if ( $backupList )
WriteOut("Executing command: '" + $commandLine + "' BACKUP '" + $backupList + "' FULL /BACKUPMETHOD=VSS /BACKUPDESTINATION=TSM") $logFile
WriteOut "Backup completed." $logFile
WriteOut ("BACKUP LIST EMPTY" ) $logFile
WriteOut "This Server is NOT a member of a DAG" $logFile
exit 1

exit 0
