TDP for Domino Backup Issue


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all,

I kicked off a Domino incremental backup on the command line, and half way through the backup, the following occurred:

Waiting for TSM server........
Full: 3 Read: 568,328,192 Written: 0 Rate: 0.00 Kb/Sec
Waiting for TSM server...........
Full: 2 Read: 568,328,192 Written: 548,639,661 Rate: 253.73 Kb/Sec
Backup of Blah\Blah\Blah\Blah.nsf failed.
ACD5701E A Tivoli Storage Manager API error has occurred.
ACD5701E A Tivoli Storage Manager API error has occurred.

Total Domino databases inspected: 278
Total Domino databases backed up: 20
Total Domino databases excluded: 0
Total Domino backup objects expired: 0
Total Domino databases deduplicated: 21

Throughput rate: 141.06 Kb/Sec
Total bytes inspected: 8,357,196,594
Total bytes transferred: 1,905,868,075
Total LanFree bytes transferred: 0
Total bytes before deduplication: 8,357,196,594
Total bytes after deduplication: 1,905,868,075
Data compressed by: 0%
Deduplication reduction: 77.20%
Total data reduction ratio: 77.20%
Elapsed processing time: 13,194.44 Secs

ACD5701E A Tivoli Storage Manager API error has occurred.

Activity Log:
06/26/2013 12:02:51 ANE4991I (Session: 24142, Node: HOSTNAME_DOM) TDP Domino
ACD5200 Data Protection for Domino: Starting backup of
database Blah\Blah\Blah\Blah.nsf from server
06/26/2013 12:02:51 ANE4993E (Session: 24142, Node: HOSTNAME_DOM) TDP Domino
ACD5202 Data Protection for Domino: Backup of database
Blah\Blah\Blah\Blah.nsf from server HOSTNAME failed.
(SESSION: 24142)
06/26/2013 12:02:52 ANE4991I (Session: 24142, Node: HOSTNAME_DOM) TDP Domino
ACD5462 Data Protection for Domino: Incremental database
backup from server HOSTNAME complete. Total Domino
databases backed up: 20 Total Domino databases
deduplicated: 21 Total bytes inspected:
8,357,196,594 Total bytes transferred:
1905868075 Total LanFree bytes transferred: 0
Total bytes before deduplication: 8,357,196,594
Total bytes after deduplication: 1,905,868,075
Data compressed by: 0% Deduplication
reduction: 77.20% Total data reduction
ratio: 77.20% Elapsed processing time:
13194.44 Secs Throughput rate:
141.06 Kb/Sec (SESSION: 24142)

Any ideas as to why this happened?

So is it backing up just the first file? and then it dies on the third file? what happens if you try to single that file out and back it up? (and have you ever backed it up successfully before now?)