SQL Command to see how many files backed up per node


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Mar 3, 2003
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Hello, Does anyone have a sql script handy that can list how many files backed up by node overnight? I am trying to identify those servers that pop up an enormous amount of files from time to time.

TSM Server

Much appreciated!

Just improve on this:

select distinct nodename as SERVER,message as FILES from actlog where message like 'ANE4954I%' and (date_time>'2015-08-20 08:00:00' and date_time<'2015-08-21 08:00:00')
Great start moon-buddy. Thanks! I wish there were numbers we could pull from the summary table or something like that but this is much better than nothing.

Thanks again!
Got it:

select entity as nodes,affected as files from summary where activity='BACKUP' and (start_time>'2015-08-15 08:00:00' and start_time<'2015-08-16 08:00:00')
In the event that there is more than one backup session for a given node in that period, I'd do this instead:

select entity as nodes,sum(affected) as files from summary where activity='BACKUP' and (start_time>'2015-08-15 08:00:00' and start_time<'2015-08-16 08:00:00') group by entity
Thanks again so much for your replies! One thing I noticed is that when I run the SQL marclant listed directly above, one of the results I get is NULL in the entity field. I am trying to figure out why there would be a NULL value in the entity (NODE) field. Here are three results from the above output:

FILES: 114427
FILES: 44312
FILES: 81450
So I took a look at the summary table and did a select for entity, address and sure enough there are 19 entries where entity is null for multiple addresses. Because of sum(affected), the above select statement is summing items with entity=null, which would mean those items are not being listed properly with their respective hostnames.

Here is what I mean:
select ENTITY,ADDRESS from summary where activity='BACKUP' and ENTITY is NULL


ADDRESS: nodea.blabla.com:1250

ADDRESS: nodec.blabla.com:2350

So, the SQL works pretty well, but does not properly handle items with ENTITY=NULL.

What does ENTITY=NULL even mean and how does it get there? It doesn't seem to make any sense to me but I'd like to somehow get ENTITY=NULL entries accurately listed in the SQL too. Or maybe I can make a change to how the nodes are defined which would then populate the entity field as expected?
Do you want to remove the NULL entities?

If so, use this:

select entity as nodes,sum(affected) as files from summary where activity='BACKUP' and (start_time>'2015-08-15 08:00:00' and start_time<'2015-08-16 08:00:00') and entity not like 'NULL' group by entity
I'd rather somehow account for the NULL entities. Thinking about it, NULL entities don't really make sense on the summary table. Does anyone know how the NULL entities even get there?
Makes sense to have the entity NULL for server processes, but not for a client activity such as a backup.
Are they VM session? Can you lookup one of those sessions in the summary_extended table to see if there is more details?

select entity, number from summary where entity is NULL and activity='BACKUP'

select * from summary_extended where number='XX'