serial and parallel


Active Newcomer
Dec 6, 2017
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I have had the following script for years, and only have the issue since we upgraded to 8.1.3. The issue is parallel and serial. All of the parallel run at once no matter what i do. Current script:

backup stg web_d web_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg file_d file_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg finance_d finance_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg exchange_d exchange_v maxpr=2 wait=yes
backup stg other_d other_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg db_d db_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg develop_d develop_v maxpr=4 wait=yes
backup stg vmware_d vmware_v maxpr=2 wait=yes
backup stg vmctl_d vmctl_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg archive_d archive_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg web_t web_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg file_t file_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg finance_t finance_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg exchange_t exchange_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg other_t other_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg db_t db_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg develop_t develop_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg vmctl_t vmctl_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
backup stg archive_t archive_v maxpr=1 wait=yes
update sched backup_db type=admin startt=NOW

I have tried adding q stg or q pr commands in between the serial and parallel, and also have tired inserting update in between them as well. Is this an 8.1.3 bug?
You have parallel immediately after serial (middle of the script) so the system will switch to parallel.

In my case, I don't use serial and parallel.

If I want it to run serially, I use wait=yes (if supported) and wait=no (or eliminate this since the default is wait=no) if I want to run in parallel.

Note that the example says:

The following example illustrates how the PARALLEL command is used to back up, migrate, and reclaim storage pools.

As I said:

In my case, I don't use serial and parallel.

If I want it to run serially, I use wait=yes (if supported) and wait=no (or eliminate this since the default is wait=no) if I want to run in parallel.