Select command to list out the volumes not in drm,vol,libv


Apr 15, 2008
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hi All ..

Wishes,, I just wanted to list out the volumes that were not in libvolume , drmedia and volumes , provided the list of volumes in a file.
can any one help me out in finding this..
Please explain what you want to find.

The volumes not in libvolumes, volumes, drmedia tables are practically unknow to TSM. Except for maybe are you using library sharing?

Try this:
select distinct(volume_name) from volhistory where volume_name not in (select volume_name from libvolumes) and volume_name not in (select volume_name from volumes) and volume_name not in (select volume_name from drmedia)

But still I don't understand what are you looking for.

Hi ..

Thanks much for your reply.. I hope this is what i need,
Anyway my requirement is , we have DRM , and when we compare the actual tapelist that were residing in the offsite with the tapes that were actually present in the offsite , we could see a mismatch . ie many tapes were not there in the q drm status , but present in the offsite which were not called by automatically. and we are doing that manually and calling those tapes as i needed a select command to sort out the tapes.thanks again..
You may have a config problem. It seems that your offsite tapes are becoming scratch when they expire, which it is not the expected behavior. They should stay empty in vaultretrieve state. Check your DRM configuration.

hi ..
we have the drm as below..
"move drm * wherest=vaultr tost=onsiter"..

so as per your say , we are not wrong i guess.. else do we need to set tostate=courierret instead of onsite ret?
When specifically you run "move drm * wherest=vaultr tost=onsiter".. ??

we have an admin schedule to run this daily at a particular time , which will listout the tapes to be called back from offsite to onsite..
Well, you should run this command when you confirmed that those tapes all already onsite checked in the library or you can check in them later as scratchs.

To list out the tapes to call back you should query (not change the state):
query drm * wherest=vaultr

Most probably the command ran and somebody forget to take note of the list of tapes to call back. They becomed scratch and TSM loss track of them.

ok .. let me try with this q command instead of move drm command..
thanks for your reply,,.