Searching for a file


Apr 14, 2011
Reaction score
Wrightstown WI
User deleted a file. I know the name of the file but not the location beside in the /vault dir.
RHEL server.

dsmc res -pi -ina -subdir=yes "/vault/*/*/filename"
dsmc res -pi -ina -subdir=yes "/vault/.../filename"

any suggestions?

thanks for the help
If the file was backed up via the schedule daemon.
Can check the dsmsched.log , it should have the path for the file in question.

Good Luck,
unfortunately the dsm.opt is set to quiet. Only got errors in the dsmsched.log.
There has to be a way to search without wading through miles of filesystems.
inside /vault is 11 directories all 1 terabyte in size. it would take forever to search for it. Also the clock is ticking. this file was deleted some time in March. I only have 60 days before retention deletes forever.
I would yous the query backup comman dform the client to get the information. like this.
dsmc q backup -subdir=yes -filseonly "/vault/filename"

Note that you can skip ... and asterisk (*) when using the -subdir=yes option the -filsonly option help to speed the query up, it will only check files.

Good luck /hogmaster
Rememeber that /.../ is for include-exclude only, not for file specifications.
as a admin, you can list all backed up files via

select * from backups

maybe some custom select could find you what you are looking for
as a admin, you can list all backed up files via

select * from backups

maybe some custom select could find you what you are looking for
It could look like:
select * from backups where node_name='NODENAME' and filespace_name='/vault' and lcase(ll_name)='filename'
the nodename has to be in uppercase. The filespace in the same case as in the Q FI output, and the filename in lowecase. Forcing the query to change the filename to all lowercase to query it, because I assume if the user doesn't remember in which directory he deleted the file, he may also not remember if there was upper and lower case characters.

And if there's a chance he's not entirely sure of the spelling either, you could use wildcards:
select * from backups where node_name='NODENAME' and filespace_name='/vault' and lcase(ll_name) like 'file%'

Or you could do:
dsmc query backup /vault/* -su=yes -filesonly | grep -i filename
...dsmc query backup /vault/* -su=yes -filesonly | grep -i filename...

I do not recall nor does the TSM Client Manual indicate that we can use the | grep. Have not got a chance to try it out on one of the test system.
Grep is a Unix/AIX/Linux command.

Can redirect the output into a file and then perform the search.

dsmc query backup /vault/* -su=yes -filesonly > /path/file_name

grep "text string to search” directory/path/file_name

Good Luck,
I do not recall nor does the TSM Client Manual indicate that we can use the | grep. Have not got a chance to try it out on one of the test system.
Grep is a Unix/AIX/Linux command.
Pretty much any command executed in a Unix/Linux Shell can be piped to another command. It's independent of TSM, grep is just parsing dsmc's output.

I tested and it works:

On change though:
dsmc query backup "/vault/*" -su=yes -filesonly | grep -i filename
AIX tries to parse the *, so the path needs to be in double-quotes
Ah.. it does not work within the dsmc console!
The trick is being in the Unix shell!
Cool! Thank you!
Got too many os's in my head.

querying the backup seems to be working. I still haven't found the file. I added an -ina to the command because the user deleted it.
I'm not even sure the file ever made it through a backup, so I may not even have the file. You got to love users.

Thanks for the help.
