Restore from A server to B server via C server


Nov 17, 2015
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We recently migrated from AIX to LINUX.
I'm filling in for that person that set this up.
Client gave me the script they run, probably command we provided them.

"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmc.exe" restore -fromnode=serverA "\\serverA\g$\server\temp\Backup*" "\\serverB\E$" -replace=all -optfile="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt"

and said that this statement is executed from serverC.

That mean I would look for dsm.opt for ServerB(target) in serverC correct?
From serverC, I was able to locate dsm.opt file for serverA(source) but not server(target).

hopefully she/he could reply with destination of the restore command.[/code]
I have exactly the same questions/comments as in your other thread:

What error are you getting?
By server, I assume you mean client (clients do backup/restore, server stores the backup data)
Why are you using a UNC path as the destination "\\serverB\E$"? Is the destination a different machine?
The destination needs a trailing backslash "\\serverB\E$\" or "E:\"
Sometimes, the source filespace needs to be enclosed in {}, example: "{\\server01\g$}\*"
Options need to be group together, so all at the beginning or all at the end, meaning "-fromnode=serverA" needs to go at the end with the rest of the options.
Restore function invoked.

ANS1247I Waiting for files from the server...
ANS1302E No objects on server match query

I'd changed all the dsm.opt or any dsm***.opt I could find.
I have exactly the same questions/comments as in your other thread:

What error are you getting?
By server, I assume you mean client (clients do backup/restore, server stores the backup data)
Why are you using a UNC path as the destination "\\serverB\E$"? Is the destination a different machine?
The destination needs a trailing backslash "\\serverB\E$\" or "E:\"
Sometimes, the source filespace needs to be enclosed in {}, example: "{\\server01\g$}\..."
Options need to be group together, so all at the beginning or all at the end, meaning "-fromnode=serverA" needs to go at the end with the rest of the options.
I ran it manually with the
"\\serverB\E$[B]\[/B]" or "E:\"
Sometimes, the source filespace needs to be enclosed in {}, example: "{\\server01\g$}\..."
added still invoked.
so this command is executed by SQL server Agent services.
wonder if I have reconfigure the services. if so not sure how i'm going to do that.
If I fix your initial command with all my recommendations, you end up with:

"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmc.exe" restore "{\\hostnameA\g$}\server\temp\Backup*" "\\hostnameB\E$\" -fromnode=nodenameA -replace=all -optfile="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt"

So that you can understand what name represents what:
I replaced server with hostname where it's supposed to be the machine name
I replaced server with nodename where it's supposed to be the client nodename
Ok, I found the error. When we moved, the Granted Access Node from Node Access List was gone. Answers why it can't the server. I was looking in the Server C node access list instead of Node Access list from A and B.
I forgot which GRANT command i'd used?

grant authority jones domains=engpoldom
grant authority jones classes=storage
grant authority jones stgpools=tape*
grant authority jones classes=operator
grant authority jones classes=node node=labclient

d or e?
I'm so out of it today,

It's set access backup *
NOT, I said NOT
Grant Authority