Reclaim offsite copy tapes with one single drive.


Apr 23, 2008
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Hi everyone,
i have a tsm with an LTOPOOL for disk migration, but also a COPYPOOL for offsite tapes.
the tape library only has one LTO-4 Drive and i cant Migrate data from copypool to a diskpool or move data from copypool to diskpool.
Does anyone knows if there is a possible way to free those tapes?
Is there any other procedures to do that?
If you don't mind losing the copy of your data you can use

delete volume <copypoolvol> discarddata=yes
In the Administrator's Guide there is a paragraph "Reclaiming Volumes in a Storage Pool with One Drive" but it does not say if applies also to copy storage pools.
reclaim stgpool are possible only for primary stgpool, so ...
the only solution is to delete some volumes, then to perform backup stg, it will backup the deleted data and consolidate everything on few tapes

choose almost empty tapes :)
sorry, I mean the use of parameter of the stgpool RECLAIMSTGPOOL=xxx is possible only for primary stgpools, not for copy stgpools
You can only reclaim an offsite stgpool if you have a diskpool as well. You have to move all the data from the primary pool into the diskpool, reclaim from the diskpool to the copypool (read from disk, write to tape) and then when you're done, you migrate the diskpool back to tape.

- define stg and update stg with a next storage pool will not work for a copy storage pool
- move data for a copy storage pool move data only to volume in the same storage pool
- and the use of a reclaim storage pool is not allowed for copy storage pools
so, two solutions, you wait until the tapes become empty to insert it back in the library as scratch, or you perform some delete volume and so on
I don't see any other solutions
thanks for the advice, and as far as i can see theres no possible way to keep the data and free up some tapes....
so...i think ill erase some tapes....