'Port is busy' Error - SP DP for VE 8.1 install


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Oxford, United Kingdom
Hi guys,

I am trying to find out how to enable the install 'logging' in order to identify why I am getting a 'Port is busy' message during the install of the SP DP for VMware 8.1 software web extention part.

I believe enabling logging will identify which port is problematic during the install after I have entered the following credentials.

vCenter Server FQDN
vCenter user name
vCenter Password

The command to activate this would be appreciated thanks.

Not really have any solution for you, haven't got the web extension to install at all in VMWare...if that is what you're doing.

Are you using the register_vcenter_extension.cmd? If that's the case you need the port as well. Edit register_vcenter_extension.cmd to see the syntax.
Here's the list of ports required:

Use netstat to see if there is another application using those ports.

Ha ha,, thought that first link you posted was a tad old (6.4)
Thanks marclant, it is indeed a used port which was causing the problem and has been rectified by changing the offending one to something available and open.
Ha ha,, thought that first link you posted was a tad old (6.4)
It is, but the list still looks valid. I like the diagram they included, sometimes it's useful to see how the components interconnect.
I've just hit the same problem on 8.1. In my case, I was installing on the host, where there is already Ops Center installed, but netstat -na didn't show up 9080 port as occupied. But when I ran netstat -ano it come up as TCP6 port :)
Clicking on "Advenced" and picking other port for WAS solved the issue.