Please suggest for something wrong migrate Primary STG(VTL)


Jun 5, 2014
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i would like to migrate from VTL to physical tape and i already set next stgpool to be physical tape but when i run migrate i found that this process still migrate to VTL.

please see log and help me investigate.

q stg dd_BK_PRD
Storage Device Estimated Pct Pct High Low Next Stora-
Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Migr Mig Mig ge Pool
Pct Pct
----------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ---- --- -----------
DD_BK_PRD DD_DEV 375,639 G 26.4 71.4 70 50 ACSLS_BACK-

q mount
ANR8329I LTO volume R00021 is mounted R/W in drive RAT_VTL30 (/dev/mt47), status: IDLE.
ANR8329I LTO volume R00170 is mounted R/O in drive RAT_VTL32 (/dev/mt49), status: IDLE.
ANR8329I LTO volume RDA206 is mounted R/W in drive RATDD07 (/dev/mt70), status: IDLE.
ANR8329I LTO volume RDA452 is mounted R/O in drive RATDD22 (/dev/mt80), status: IDLE.
ANR8329I LTO volume RDA027 is mounted R/W in drive RATDD33 (/dev/mt91), status: IDLE.
ANR8330I LTO volume RDA143 is mounted R/W in drive RATDD09 (/dev/mt72), status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume RDA032 is mounted R/O in drive RATDD02 (/dev/mt65), status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume RDA473 is mounted R/W in drive RATDD19 (/dev/mt22), status: IN USE.
ANR8329I LTO volume RDA286 is mounted R/W in drive RATDD28 (/dev/mt86), status: IDLE.
ANR8330I LTO volume RDA370 is mounted R/W in drive RATDD16 (/dev/mt19), status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume RDA379 is mounted R/O in drive RATDD01 (/dev/mt64), status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume RDA245 is mounted R/W in drive RATDD26 (/dev/mt84), status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume RDA412 is mounted R/O in drive RATDD15 (/dev/mt18), status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume MR0044 is mounted R/W in drive ACS_14 (/dev/mt62), status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume KR0010 is mounted R/O in drive ACS_0 (/dev/mt0), status: IN USE.
ANR8329I LTO volume KR0150 is mounted R/W in drive ACS_2 (/dev/mt1), status: IDLE.
ANR8334I 16 matches found.

q pro

Process Process Description Process Status
-------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------
2,301 Space Reclamation Volume KR0010 (storage pool ACSLS_BACKUP_PRD),
Moved Files: 13351, Moved Bytes:
377,314,485,962, Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable
Bytes: 0. Current Physical File (bytes):
17,458,300,888 Current input volume: KR0010.
Current output volume(s): MR0044.
2,304 Migration Volume RDA412 (storage pool DD_BK_PRD), Moved
Files: 819430, Moved Bytes: 27,845,113,211,
Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable Bytes: 0.
Current Physical File (bytes): 26,449,898
Current input volume: RDA412. Current output
volume(s): RDA473.
2,305 Migration Volume RDA032 (storage pool DD_BK_PRD), Moved
Files: 8, Moved Bytes: 56,202,946,980,
Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable Bytes: 0.
Current Physical File (bytes): 28,862,509,176
Current input volume: RDA032. Current output
volume(s): RDA143.
2,306 Migration Volume RDA379 (storage pool DD_BK_PRD), Moved
Files: 310063, Moved Bytes: 64,762,656,428,
Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable Bytes: 0.
Current Physical File (bytes): 15,721,702,314
Current input volume: RDA379. Current output
volume(s): RDA370.
Do provide the output of "q stgpool <name> f=d" for both the pools and exact command that you are running to migrate manually.
Hi bhaven41
i run manual with "migrate stg dd_bk_prd lo=0" because i want move all data to physical tape.

first VTL pool
q stg DD_BK_PRD f=d

Storage Pool Name: DD_BK_PRD
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: DD_DEV
Estimated Capacity: 375,342 G
Space Trigger Util:
Pct Util: 26.1
Pct Migr: 71.0
Pct Logical: 100.0
High Mig Pct: 70
Low Mig Pct: 50
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 3
Reclamation Processes: 2
Next Storage Pool: ACSLS_BACKUP_PRD
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Description: daily shcedule backup PRD
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold: 60
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 630
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 448
Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: Yes
Amount Migrated (MB): 1,521,651.17
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 16,745
Reclamation in Progress?: No
Last Update by (administrator): MF01774
Last Update Date/Time: 05/15/15 11:34:47
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
CRC Data: No
Reclamation Type: Threshold
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: No
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Duplicate Data Not Stored:
Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No

physical destination pool

Storage Pool Name: ACSLS_BACKUP_PRD
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: ACSLS
Estimated Capacity: 697,431 G
Space Trigger Util:
Pct Util: 57.7
Pct Migr: 99.5
Pct Logical: 99.9
High Mig Pct: 90
Low Mig Pct: 70
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes: 2
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Description: for backup PRD
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold: 50
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 190
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 190
Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: No
Last Update by (administrator): MF00540
Last Update Date/Time: 02/04/15 15:45:32
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
CRC Data: No
Reclamation Type: Threshold
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: No
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Duplicate Data Not Stored:
Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No
i want to understanding fully details when us issue command migrate and TSM determine data or volume.

thank for help. ^^
Hi Zaturday,

Look at the below ...

Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 190
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 190

This might be the issue(Depending on other configuration ... Can you try updating this STGPOOL with more scratch tapes allowed.. may be 500 or 1000?
