Need logs and config printout as proof to auditors


Aug 9, 2011
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Hi forum,
I have no experience with TSM, just starting, used the dsmc client before
for backup and restore.
Auditors asks me proofs that
- the backups are configured
- the backups ran on august 4th

I tried extracting the pieces of information myself, in the administration CLI
but I couldnt find how to print the details about the nodes, filesystems that are scheduled to be backed up.

I used the q sched command but there is no details there ..

Then for august 4th backup logs, I tried using
q actlog begind=04/08/2011 begint=00:00:00 endd=05/08/2011 endt=00:00:00
but this command did not yield any output...
Could the logs from august 4th have already been rotated/destroyed ? I find that pretty quick to flush logs
4 days old ...
When I run q actlog without argument, I have output of very recent logs only..

Thanks in advance
The first thing you need to do is check how long you retain your activity log.

There are several ways you could do this...

q ev * * begind=-1 begint=18:00 endd=today endt=06:00 exceptionsonly=yes

and just change begind=-6 (today - 6 days) if you want to go back, and endd=-6 too, the problem with this is only nodes with a schedule associated with them will show up. If you have a node with no schedule, try:

select node_name from nodes where node_name NOT IN (select node_name from associations)

this should give you a list of nodes with no schedule association.
Hi again,
thank you for your reply cwilloug, that did the trick for the backup log !
Now, how could I list the entire backup schedules, clients, filesystems configuration ?

To get the client schedules just issue q sched > schedules.txt
To get the associations issue q assoc > associations.txt
To get information about the filesystems select * from filespaces order by node_name > filespaces.txt