MANAGEDSERVICES effective from cloptset?


Mar 7, 2016
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We've found that adding this line to the local dsm.opt file on some systems has prevented excessive memory usage by the Scheduler service:


So we have added it to a CLOPTSET. I can see when running ADMC Q OPT from any of the clients, it shows MANAGEDSERVCES: SCHEDULE in the list ,which is good, but is it actually taking effect? Our nodes are still showing high memory usage when the scheduler is idle.

Do you think this would require a restart of either the CAD or the Scheduler service before it starts working? (or both)

Thanks in advance
I don't think that 'MANAGEDSERVICES SCHEDULE' has helped reduce memory usage in my experience. In fact, in Windows, it is prone to memory leaks.

The best way is to use the option 'MEMORYEFFICIENTBACKUP'.
Here's the list of options that can be defined in a client option set on the server:

MANAGEDSERVICES is not on that list.

As moon-buddy, if memory consumption during the backup by the scheduler is a problem, then using MEMORYEFFICIENTBACKUP is the way to reduce it.

Now, before using that option, it's good to understand that it's perfectly normal for the scheduler service to see a peak in memory usage at the beginning of an incremental backup because the scheduler will query the TSM Server to get the list of files previously backed up in order to compare that to what is on disk to determine what files need to be backed up.

On small systems, it's not an issue. On very large systems with millions of files, that could be an issue because each file/directory from the query takes about 300 bytes. So your memory requirements are the number of objects inspected X 300 bytes (give or take, it depends on the length of the full path and file name).

So if you see a large peak during the backup, but it doesn't affect performance, leave it as-is, it's normal. If it's an issue, then use MEMORYEFFICIENTBACKUP.