Laptop installation


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Toronto, Ont. Canada
Hey all. We want to push out the installation of the TSM client to a select number of users using BigFix. The installation will need to
  1. Customize dsm.opt
  2. Install C++
  3. Install client
Anyone have any experience doing this? Tricks/tips?

Marclant, I already know about this. I wanted to see if anyone actually had any experience with the thing.

Hi DanGiles, I can confirm flawless "silent" installation of TSM BA client for Windows using 'msiexec' and Prerequisite packages (C++, ..) on Win servers. Using same approach we are installing also TDP for MS SQL (but there's one stupid issue with .NET so it can't be fully automated), but that's out of topic. Just a bit scripting in cmd.
No hands-on experience with BigFix tho, sorry.
Thanks smajl. I think if you can script it then you should be able to run it through BigFix. Your scripting doesn't happen to set the node password does it? or is that still a manual function?
You can set up/store password through 'dsmcutil updatepw' (
Actually I have one script to deploy/update TSM client, and if needed another one to register node(s) on TSM server and set up scheduler(s) + store password.
2nd one I launch manually together with copying required scripts to servers (trust but verify :)).

ECHO [INFO] Processing prerequisites
FOR /f "delims=" %%a in ('DIR /s /b /a:d ISSetupPrerequisites 2^>NUL') do (
FOR /f "delims=" %%b in ('DIR /s /b /a:-d 2^>NUL') do (
ECHO [ACTION] %%~nb - Attempting installation
IF /i "!HOTFIXEXTENSION!" EQU ".exe" START "%%b" /wait "%%b" /quiet /norestart /log:%LOGDIR%\%%~nb_log.txt >NUL
IF /i "!HOTFIXEXTENSION!" EQU ".msi" START "%%b" /wait msiexec /i "%%b" /quiet /norestart /log %LOGDIR%\%%~nb_log.txt >NUL
IF /i "!HOTFIXEXTENSION!" EQU ".msu" START "%%b" /wait wusa.exe "%%b" /quiet /norestart /log:%LOGDIR%\%%~nb_log.txt >NUL
IF !RC! EQU 1603 SET RCEXPLAIN=[already installed]
IF !RC! EQU 3010 SET RCEXPLAIN=[a reboot is required]
IF !RC! EQU 216 SET RCEXPLAIN=[not compatible with this version of Windows]
ECHO [INFO] %%~nb - Installation finished with RC=!RC! !RCEXPLAIN!

It's more work to adjust it for the environment than creating the script itself
Well, we finally got around to running some tests, and this turned out to be not as useful as hoped. It looks like this only applies to the password for the service (?). After running it the "dsmcutil updatepw" command, "dsmc" still asks for the ID and password :eek:
I've tried it with the /oldpassword and /updateonserver parameter to no avail. In the Linux/UNIX world, I'd just run something like echo user\npass\nquit|dsmc but that don't work in the Windoze world :(. (and putting the id/pass in a file and piping it don't work either)

So, any more ideas out there?
Shoot, okay, never mind. I was testing on my laptop which I only use to run dsmadmc. I had some garbage name in the nodename field, which is why it was prompting me. :confused:
It works.