Just passed, first try, here is what I can remember:


Dec 16, 2003
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I just passed the TSM 5.1 certification test, nothing spectacular score-wise (602 out of 800, 578 passes), but I made it none-the-less. I have been Administrating TSM for the last year, and studied about 10 hours over the last week. Here is what I remember, I apologize for not being as specific as you may like, but I don't remember exact questions/answers:

Nothing on the network transfer rate table

One question on include/excludes (plus one that was sort of related)

Nothing on licenses

Nothing on block size

Nothing specifically on priveleges (system,operator,analyst, etc)

One on DRM

One on Configuration Manager

File aggregation picked up a couple of questions

Serialization, Shared Static, Dynamic, etc, had 2 or 3 questions

Steps in configuring the library to a server

Caching for the disk pool (does it speed up backups, increase network performance, reduce backup window)

There were several questions regarding DB sizing, Stg pool and archive sizing

The question on the sample test about PRIMPOOL1/PRIMPOOL2/COPYPOOL1/COPYPOOL2 was on there.

A few questions on Management Classes, Copy groups, and versions

Server Performance tuning and self tuning, 2 or 3 questions. Know what gets changed (txngroupmax, movebatchsize,bufpoolsize,tcpwindowsize, etc)

Handling of different requirements (co-location) for different depts on one server/library, how many disk and copy pools needed.

A couple of timing questions (backup window is x, number of clients, % changed, do you have enough time?)

One or two questions on session problems (max num sessions, max sched sessions)

Several on determining if clients backed up, how they backed up (san vs lan)

Lan Free caught a question or two

How to connect a scsi library to the san

There were 2 or 3 questions on getting tapes into the library (labeling, checkin)

One or two questions on optimizing restores for a client or clients.

The question from the sample test on identifying vols to be returned from off-site (q drmedia wherestate=vaultretrieve)

That is about all I can remember at this point.

Now, just because I didn't see it on my test, doesn't mean I think Chad is wrong in what he is telling us to study, just means my random questions didn't hit those topics. In my experience, Chad is ALWAYS right. Always. And I would say that if he were not my team lead :lol:

Good Luck,

Jeff Easter

Tivoli Certified Consultant <--------------------- :grin:

IBM Global Services, Honeywell Account

easj - at - usdotibmdotcom