How to setup DBbackup in small library


Oct 19, 2002
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i have a small library with 19 slots.

I make copies of everything to offsite and checksout these tapes every


Do i have to save 7 DBbackups in volumehist file to be able to recover to the latest

DBbackup that is offsite.

In that case i have to checkout the DBbackup every day (no space in library).

I only need to be able to recover one week back in case of total crasch.

The DBbackup thats made every day is now deleted as sone as a new is done.

I see two possible answers to this question:

1) (not recommended) if doing incremental DB backups.

I don't recommend doing this because these days, a full TSM database backup will fit

into a single volume (tape). But, if you are doing this and want to continue doing incremental backups, then you'll need the last full DB backup + every incremental since then to restore the TSM server. If you are doing a full backup and then 6 incrementals then, yes you will need to keep the last 7 DB backups in the vol history

2) only doing full DB backup.

In this case, you only need the last full TSM database backup. So, you really only need to keep the last good full database backup set vol hist for database backups to 1.

I'm guessing you are doing full backups, so yes, you would have to checkout that database backup and send it off site. But, I know that can be a daily annoyance, so I know many people who put offsite DBbackup on their desk :)

Hopefully, I've answered your question rather than misunderstood what you were asking for..
