How to re-use tapes in a Shared library that belongs to a TSM server that was removed


Feb 22, 2010
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I hav a shared 349X type library, which is shared by 3 TSM servers(1 being Library manager and others library clients). Now one of the TSM servers which is a library client was uninstalled and its no more.

But the shared library has tapes that contain data from the removed TSM server, i can see the list of tapes that are used by that TSM server using "select * from libvolumes where owner = 'TSMTEST'" (TSMTEST is the name of the TSM server that was removed) query from the TSM server which is the Library manager. I want these tapes to be re-used by the other TSM servers sharing the library.

How can i do this? Plz reply ASAP...

thanks in advance...:)
>>-UPDate LIBVolume--library_name--volume_name------------------>

'-STATus--=--+-PRIvate-+-' '-OWNer--=--server_name-'

try a "update libv" and use the "owner" parameter.
thanks for ur reply...

But i am not able to get them as scratch using update libvol cmd.

In our setup TSMSERV1 is the Library manager and TSMTEST is the name of the tsm server that was removed and has these volumes.

I tried all possible things with update libvol cmd. The cmd outputs are below:

tsm: TSMSERV1>update libvol 3494LIB A00397 status=SCRatch owner=TSMTEST
ANR2020E UPDATE LIBVOLUME: Invalid parameter - OWNER.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

tsm: TSMSERV1>update libvol 3494LIB A00397 status=Scratch
ANR8443E UPDATE LIBVOLUME: Volume A00397 in library 3494LIB cannot be assigned a status of SCRATCH.
ANS8001I Return code 12.

tsm: TSMSERV1>update libvol 3494LIB A00397 owner=TSMSERV1
ANR8428E UPDATE LIBVOLUME: The STATUS parameter is required for this command.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

tsm: TSMSERV1>update libvol 3494LIB A00397 status=scratch owner=TSMSERV1
ANR2020E UPDATE LIBVOLUME: Invalid parameter - OWNER.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

tsm: TSMSERV1>update libvolume 3494LIB A00397 status=private Owner=TSMSERV1
ANR8969E The owner of volume A00397 can not be updated to owner TSMSERV1.
ANS8001I Return code 27.

Is there anything wrong with wat i did in update libvol cmd???

Is there any other way to get these tapes to scratch???

Ah oK! you can not change the "owner" status if your old owner is not online!

Can you checkout/checkin the volumes?
thanx for ur quick response...

I can try checkout and checkin.

But my doubt is that if i checkout the volumes and try checking in, can i be able to check in them as scratch volumes ? Wat parameter(s) i need to specify for doing so ?

Since the volumes are tracked via volhist as remote volumes you may have to do the following on each volume, then either label them back in or check them back in.


Be careful that you don't mistype volume names and accidently remove an active volume for the other client.
hi jacob... thnx for ur reply...

In "delete volhist" syntax there is no option to specify TYPE=REMOTE and VOLUME=<volname>.

>>-DELete VOLHistory--TODate--=--date--------------------------->

| '-DEVclass--=--class_name-' |
| '-DEVclass--=--class_name-' |
| .-DELETELatest--=--No------. |
| '-DELETELatest--=--+-No--+-' |
| '-Yes-' |
| .-DELETELatest--=--No------. |
| '-DELETELatest--=--+-No--+-' |
| '-Yes-' |

I hav not yet tried the option u asked me to try as i want to confirm this will work or not as i m doing all this in my production environment.

thanx in advance...
make "Q VOLH" and search for your volume names to delete (you will see the type of them).
Type=remote is an undocumented option and does work. I have used it a number of times and it has appeared in apars and techdocs from IBM.
Hidden command (force)

Command: 'DELETE VOLHISTORY todate=TODAY volume=xxxxxL7 type=remote force=yes'
ANR2467I DELETE VOLHISTORY: 1 sequential volume history entries were successfully deleted.