How to generate backup information for a filespace?


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Oct 30, 2019
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I would like to determine the total byte size for all backups for a given file space for the primary tape pool and then the same for the copy pool and compare to ensure they match. Also, I would like to see the tape volumes that the given file space has been backed up to (both primary and copy pool) as well as the number of bytes written to each tape for that specific file space.

Of course, I would not expect that the number of tapes, or the amount written to each, for that file space, would be the same between those two storage pools, but I would still like to review it.

Anyway, how can I wrest this information from the TSM database?
Oh, this is on Linux, both client and backup server.
hi, here is the query , it can take long response

select occ.NODE_NAME,occ.stgpool_name,occ.filespace_name,SUM(occ.PHYSICAL_MB) from tsmdb1.occupancy occ inner join tsmdb1.contents cc on cc.filespace_name=occ.filespace_name and occ.node_name='xxxx' group by occ.NODE_NAME,occ.stgpool_name,occ.filespace_name
Thanks. The QUERY OCCUPANCY command achieves much of what I was looking for as far as giving me some numbers and allowing me to compare the pools. That output is a good starting point for me. But for the corresponding tape volume information, I guess that's going to require some additional work, most likely SQL, I'm guessing [sigh ...].

Merouan, I'm rusty on my SQL. There are no column names with 'occ' in the tsmdb1.occupancy table, right? What is 'occ'? Is this creating a temporary table? And what about 'cc'? Could you kindly break down the syntax for me here on what this command is doing? Also, how can I specify the file space name to narrow down the search time?

Anyway, I tried to run the command as is, and it didn't complain, but it never finished. I finally had to cancel it. The value that I specified for 'xxxx' is a node without that much data or file spaces, so I was hoping that it would return results much faster.