FS of TSM Database/Recovery log is above threshold


Active Newcomer
Dec 2, 2019
Reaction score
We have a TSM Server with version

Below are the file systems allocated from OS end (AIX 6.1). The filesystems

Filesystem    GB blocks   Free     %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/fslv02      374.31     17.81    96%       41     1%         /tsm40/db
/dev/fslv01       13.97      0.99      93%        8     1%          /tsm40/log1
/dev/fslv03       13.97      0.99      93%        8     1%          /tsm40/log2

DB and Log utilizations are well below the threshold, whilst the fiesystems aren't. Please advise on how to bring the utilization under threshold other than adding FS space?

Available     Assigned       Maximum       Maximum        Page         Total          Used       Pct      Max.
    Space     Capacity     Extension     Reduction        Size        Usable         Pages      Util       Pct
     (MB)         (MB)          (MB)          (MB)     (bytes)         Pages                              Util
---------     --------     ---------     ---------     -------     ---------     ---------     -----     -----
  364,960      364,960             0        20,396       4,096     93,429,76     27,222,34      29.1      29.3
0 0

Available     Assigned       Maximum       Maximum        Page         Total          Used       Pct      Max.
    Space     Capacity     Extension     Reduction        Size        Usable         Pages      Util       Pct
     (MB)         (MB)          (MB)          (MB)     (bytes)         Pages                              Util
---------     --------     ---------     ---------     -------     ---------     ---------     -----     -----
   13,288       13,288             0        13,080       4,096     3,401,216        51,935       1.5      34.2

Thanks in advance and I really appreciate the help!

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DB and Log utilizations are well below the threshold, whilst the fiesystems aren't. Please advise on how to bring the utilization under threshold other than adding FS space?
I don't understand your question.
I don't understand your question.

Sorry about that, let me try to rephrase it..

The filesystem "/tsm40/db" from which my TSM database gets the storage allocated is of 374GB. That shows an utilization of 96%.

rstsm40:/tsm40/db #df -g
Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/fslv02 374.31 17.81 96% 41 1% /tsm40/db

Actual TSM DB size is only 29% utilized from the allocated space when queried.

> Which is reliable here, the utilization reported from OS or TSM?
> Should we action on the FS utilization (keep growing) to not reach 100% or leave it as is because my TSM DB is only 29% utilized?

tsm: TSM40>q db

Available Assigned Maximum Maximum Page Total Used Pct Max.
Space Capacity Extension Reduction Size Usable Pages Util Pct
(MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (bytes) Pages Util
--------- -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- -----
364,960 364,960 0 20,396 4,096 93,429,76 27,230,86 29.1 29.3
0 0

The below are the files under "/tsm40/db"

rstsm40:/tsm40/db # ls
DB01.tsm DB05.tsm DB09.tsm DB13.tsm DB17.tsm DB21.tsm DB25.tsm DB30.tsm DB34.tsm db26.tsm
DB02.tsm DB06.tsm DB10.tsm DB14.tsm DB18.tsm DB22.tsm DB27.tsm DB31.tsm DB37.tsm lost+found
DB03.tsm DB07.tsm DB11.tsm DB15.tsm DB19.tsm DB23.tsm DB28.tsm DB32.tsm DS35.tsm
DB04.tsm DB08.tsm DB12.tsm DB16.tsm DB20.tsm DB24.tsm DB29.tsm DB33.tsm DS36.tsm
Which is reliable here, the utilization reported from OS or TSM?
Both are accurate, they are reporting different things.

When the DB is created, volume(s) are created for the size specified and that's fully allocated on the filesystem. So the space free on the filesystem is what's left after the database volumes are created.

As you use the database, space is used inside those database volumes, so right now, you have used 29.3% of 364 GB.

Should we action on the FS utilization (keep growing) to not reach 100% or leave it as is because my TSM DB is only 29% utilized?
There's only 2 ways this can grow:
1 - you define more database volumes
2 - you have a dbspacetrigger to automatically grow the database when it reaches a defined percentage, this is disabled by default, so unless you defined it, it doesn't apply.
1 - Couldn't identify when the database volumes were added from both TSM and OS.
tsm: TSM40>q dbv f=d
Volume Name          Copy       Volume Name          Copy       Volume Name          Copy       Available     Allocated         Free

(Copy 1)             Status     (Copy 2)             Status     (Copy 3)             Status         Space         Space        Space

                                                                                                     (MB)          (MB)         (MB)

----------------     ------     ----------------     ------     ----------------     ------     ---------     ---------     --------

/tsm40/db/DB01.-     Sync'd                          Undef-                          Undef-        10,000        10,000            0

 tsm                                                  ined                            ined

/tsm40/db/DB02.-     Sync'd                          Undef-                          Undef-        10,000        10,000            0

 tsm                                                  ined                            ined


/tsm40/db/DS35.-     Sync'd                          Undef-                          Undef-        10,000        10,000            0

 tsm                                                  ined                            ined

/tsm40/db/DS36.-     Sync'd                          Undef-                          Undef-        10,000        10,000            0

 tsm                                                  ined                            ined

/tsm40/db/DB37.-     Sync'd                          Undef-                          Undef-        10,000        10,000            0

 tsm                                                  ined                            ined

- Unfortunately AIX doesn't save the file creation date/time, so couldn't check if any database volumes added in last 30 days and unable to trace anything from the actlog too.
- No DB spacetrigger as well..

tsm: TSM40>q spacetrigger db
ANR2034E QUERY SPACETRIGGER: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

Will monitor the utilization of the FS.

Thanks for your time :) it was really helpful.