DSM frozen - Api error - TCP error - Java exception


Nov 6, 2015
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I would like to ask some help!
I have a problem with tsm client what is exist on 2008R2 and 2012r2.

When i want to start dsm gui, it will hang on 75% checking agent port number...if i end the dsmagent.exe process, i get an error message: ANS2600S: Browser trying to establishe connection to client, received socket exception: java.netEXception: connect Address is invalid on local machine, or portis not valid on remote machine.

After the reboot, the dsm start perfectly, i can run backup, if i start the gui again, the problem appeare.

Telnet works; We upgraded to, but not helped....dsmc dont give back any message, i dont get hte prompt, just hanging...

What could it be?

Thanks for your help!
You could also try upgrading to latest supported level (7.1 or 8.1, worse case 6.4, but only 2 months of support left).


2012R2 runs with latest TSM client...

in dsierror:
07/21/2017 22:54:36 ANS5216E Could not establish a TCP/IP connection with address ':1500'. The TCP/IP error is 'Unknown error' (errno = 10061).
07/21/2017 22:54:36 ANS9020E Could not establish a session with a TSM server or client agent. The TSM return code is -50.

Why give it this?
I set the portnumber in opt file, what is not 1500...
I minimalized the parameters... I try connect with it!

NODENAME xxxxxxx
TCPSERVERADDRESS {tsm server fqdn}

Nothing happened...

dsmj give errors, dsmerror gives errors. Everything say that the client cannot connet to the server.
I found hotfix for this client version...Would it worth to install it?

On the Spectrum Protect Server, what's the "Server TCP/IP port number" in Q STATUS, that's what you have to put for TCPPORT. Default is 1500, but that doesn't mean your server is using the default.
On the Spectrum Protect Server, what's the "Server TCP/IP port number" in Q STATUS, that's what you have to put for TCPPORT. Default is 1500, but that doesn't mean your server is using the default.


Sorry for my late reply...

I checked everything.
The TSM client can connect (after the restart), but if i try it later, the gui will hang. So, the connection is ok! We checked the actlogs and we could find connection logs...
I set tracefile in the opt file to figure out what is the problem.
Every ocassion, when i start a dsmc query or start the gui, the session will stop and the last line in the traceflag file is:

(9672): VssRequestor::QueryStatus(): VSS - waiting for asynchronous operation to complete for caller 'VssQuerySystemWriters()'

I realized the vss doesnt work correctly..i cannot list wrtiters....etc. Therefore i installed 2 hotfix KB940349 + KB934016 (it was shown by dsmc as well)
But it did not help....

My last idea is to run sfcscan what could repair the system.

Do you have any idea?
Do you have any idea?
If you don't need open file support and/or don't need to backup systemstate, disable the VSS service. If you need open file support and/or systemstate, engage Microsoft to resolve the VSS issues.
If you don't need open file support and/or don't need to backup systemstate, disable the VSS service. If you need open file support and/or systemstate, engage Microsoft to resolve the VSS issues.

After few new configuration, the file level backup was good, but after the System Writer re-registration, all of backup failed again.
I could not solve the problem, thus we use snapshot to keep datas.
I think the root cause of the problem is the OS, what has some problem and there are many alert in the eventviewer.