Discrepancy between Physical Space Occupied and Logical?


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
I ran a `q occupancy nodename`, and everything matches exactly with the exception of two file spaces wherein the copy pool reports a larger number for Logical Space Occupied than the primary tape pool, but the number of files and physical space occupied are the same. There are no backups running, and no processes (e.g. migration or backup stgpool) that would apply, so everything is up to date.

Is this anything to be concerned about? Is this common? If so, is it any more likely on the primary versus the copy? Also, is the converse equally likely wherein the logical matches but not the physical?

Number_of_files Physical_space_occupied Logical_space_occupied
COPYPOOL 1,552,696 2,651,197.75 2,651,197.75
PRIMARY 1,552,696 2,651,197.75 2,650,923.00

COPYPOOL 5,008 72,606.63 72,606.63
PRIMARY 5,008 72,606.63 72,603.27

From help q occ:

Physical Space Occupied (MB)
The amount of physical space that is occupied by the
file space. Physical space includes empty space within
aggregates, from which files might have been deleted or
expired. For this value, 1 MB = 1048576 bytes.

Tip: This field does not display a value for storage
pools that are set up for data deduplication. If you
turn off data deduplication for a storage pool, a value
for physical occupancy is not displayed until the
storage pool is empty of deduplicated files.

Logical Space Occupied (MB)
The amount of space that is occupied by logical files in
the file space. Logical space is the space that is
actually used to store files, excluding empty space
within aggregates. For this value, 1 MB = 1048576 bytes.