Current client size


Nov 16, 2011
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This might be a strange request but here goes. We're going to be moving to a new TSM Server implementation and I need to get the sizes on all the AIX filesystems I'm backing-up. A "q occup" obviously only gives me what's in TSM currently, while a "q file" gives me what is on the client currently, but it only gives the overall capacity of a FS, then the % used, but not the actual GB used. Anyone think of a way, other than some manual work in Excel, to get around it? There are hundreds of FS's on these AIX clients. I thought about simply getting the numbers from a df on the AIX box, but we also don't backup all of them. Thanks in advance.
A "q occup" obviously only gives me what's in TSM currently, while a "q file" gives me what is on the client currently, but it only gives the overall capacity of a FS, then the % used, but not the actual GB used.
Spectrum Protect is not really meant to be a reporting tool on your infrastructure. However, you can get some of that info. You have the capacity and the percent used, you just need to calculate the used space.
select node_name,filespace_name,capacity,pct_util,cast((capacity*pct_util/100) as numeric (10,2)) as USED_MB from filespaces

We're going to be moving to a new TSM Server implementation and I need to get the sizes on all the AIX filesystems I'm backing-up.
If your retentions will be the same or similar on the server, you may want to go by "q occ" because you will get the same growth over time.
Spectrum Protect is not really meant to be a reporting tool on your infrastructure. However, you can get some of that info. You have the capacity and the percent used, you just need to calculate the used space.
select node_name,filespace_name,capacity,pct_util,cast((capacity*pct_util/100) as numeric (10,2)) as USED_MB from filespaces

If your retentions will be the same or similar on the server, you may want to go by "q occ" because you will get the same growth over time.

Thank you very much, How would I include domain_name to the statement and sort it by that? I've got hundreds of filespaces and i only really need the domain. Thanks. Unfortunately the sql for tsm is my one not-so-strong suit.