Configuring multiple dsmcad instances on a single host


Jun 5, 2007
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South Africa
Hi everyone,

Configuring multiple dsmcad instances on a single Linux host does not start automatically after reboots using the Traditional method:

Configuring the client acceptor-managed method for Linux seems to be a better solution:

So this is what i did in short:

I have four instances configured to run on a single RHEL 7 host:
# cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
# ln -s /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/rc.dsmcad-weekly dsmcad-weekly
# ln -s /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/rc.dsmcad-monthly dsmcad-monthly
# ln -s /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/rc.dsmcad-yearly dsmcad-yearly

To enable the client acceptor to start automatically after a system restart, add the service as follows, at a shell prompt:
# chkconfig --add dsmcad
# chkconfig --add dsmcad-weekly
# chkconfig --add dsmcad-monthly
# chkconfig --add dsmcad-yearly

Completed the following steps to start the dsmcad and to run it at system start time:
# cd /etc/systemd/system/
# cp /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad.service .
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable dsmcad.service
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/dsmcad.service.

# systemctl start dsmcad.service
# service dsmcad-weekly start
Starting dsmcad:[ OK ]
# service dsmcad-monthly start
Starting dsmcad:[ OK ]
# service dsmcad-yearly start
Starting dsmcad:[ OK ]

# service dsmcad status
dsmcad (pid 44662 44506 44401 43605) is running...

Now my concern:
Is there a document/link I can follow to configure multiple dsmcad instances on a single Linux host by configuring the client acceptor-managed method for weekly, monthly and yearly instances using systemctl so that it can start automatically after reboots?
Would i need to configure dsmcad.service for each schedule and how to modify it correctly to start each one (e,g. dsmcad.service.weekly, dsmcad.service.monthly and dsmcad.service.yearly)?

# cat /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad.service
Description="IBM Spectrum Protect Client dsmcad systemd-style service."

ExecStopPost=/bin/bash -c 'let i=0; while [[ (-n "$(ps -eo comm | grep dsmcad)") && ($i -le 10) ]]; do let i++; sleep 1; done'

Is this for a filesystem backup or TDP? If for a filesystem backup, curious why you are not using incremental forever with 1 schedule, and if you need additional restore points, use retention sets.

Also, if you need multiple schedules, you can still accomplish that with a single CAD/scheduler. You would only use multiple schedulers if there's a requirement to use a different nodename, like in a clustered configuration, one node for the local machine, and one node for the clustered resources.

Configuring multiple CAD is as simple as repeating the steps outlined for the first one. Make sure each one has their own stanza in dsm.sys, and each their own dsm.opt. Make sure they use different errorlogname and schedlogname, it's a nightmare to troubleshoot if you have multiple schedulers writing to the same log files.
It's for file system backups.
Never thought of retention sets as I never used it before.
Will read up on retention sets and implement that.
Thanks marclant.
This is a new client I inherited running on AIX 7.2 with Spectrum Protect server version installed.

I don't want to make too many changes on this system as we will be migrating the system by perhaps using node replication to move the data to the latest installed SP version on RHEL 7 and new X-system hware. Will setup node replication between two new installed systems and a tape library for an air-gap solution.
This is a new client I inherited running on AIX 7.2 with Spectrum Protect server version installed.
You will need to upgrade to the latest server version. Retention sets were introduced at 8.1.7, I'd go to 8.1.8 personally.