cloptset force statement for systemstate backups?


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Mar 15, 2017
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Was wondering if anyone has any insight as to forcing a systemstate to backup from the client options set.
Most of my Windows servers are using a pre-defined clopt from the server and in the local dsm.opt have a few adjustments on a server by server basis. In the past, we weren't doing systemstate... Many of the systems dsm.opt have a statement of "domain ALL-LOCAL -systemstate".

What I was hoping to do is force the systemstate to backup without forcing ALL-LOCAL to backup. As such I have to domain statements at the top of the server side optionset:

Option                        Sequenc-     Use Optio-     Option Value
                              e number         n Set
-------------------------     --------     ----------     ---------------------------------
DOMAIN                               0             No     ALL-LOCAL
DOMAIN                               1            Yes     systemstate
I added sequence 1 the other day, came back and queried the filespaces on a few nodes, and even ran q systemstate from a few clients as well. Nothing.

If it can be helped I really don't want to go about and touch every dsm.opt file on every server!

The FORCE parameter allows an administrator to specify whether the server forces the client to use an option value. This parameter has no affect on additive options such as INCLEXCL and DOMAIN. The default value is NO. If FORCE=YES, the server forces the client to use the value, and the client cannot override the value. The following example shows how you can prevent a client from using subfile backup:

The only way I can see you could do it would be to have 2 backup schedules, one for file backups and one to backup systemstate. The domain option is only used when doing an incremental backup with no objects specified. So you could have a separate schedule that has "action=backup subaction=systemstate".

The alternative is to manually edit every option file to remove/edit the domain option. If you have a software management system such as IBM BigFix or similar, you could use that to remotely edit the option files as well.
Was hoping someone may have had a trick, and yeah RTFM from time to time huh? :)

Thanks marclant.