Clients not backing up to disk

Well when I found out that pool didn't exist I went ahead and moved it to goto backuppool which is my primary disk pool and activated those changes across my management classes.
I don't know if this is significant or not but in two queries above I see:
Table of Contents (TOC) Destination: BACKUPSEQ
If a disk pool is full it will automatically go to tape. If the pool does not exist I would think it would throw an error. Have you tried updating this pool to not have a TOC? Or change the destination of the TOC to your backup pool. It still looks strange to me.
I changed my toc to point to my backuppool so that I had a storage location with space that was quick access (DISK). Previously it had been set to a pool that had no volumes assigned.
I just wanted to let everyone know that was helping with this that it has been resolved. The problem was that my diskpools were set to simultaneously write to tape pool as well. This was what was causing all the mediaw issues in sessions.

I've opted to take that out and just let mtc plan scripts handle that function during server downtime during the day.
a weird idea: check the directory path for the disk volumes up to the root-dir of the mount-point if all of the single directories are read- and exec-able by the instance owner. I had a similar problem with an older server version but that at least yielded a message in actlog.
Have a nice day,