Clients at risk in OC


Mar 22, 2012
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Hi Pro's

I have OC v.8.1.3.

My problem is that I have a lot of systems that has the OC status "At risk". This is because I have a bunch of nodes that I have locked down and does not run any more backups (not for a couple of years back in time).
This due to I need to save the node and data for some years ahead.

Does anyone know if there is another way of saving the node and it's data (keep all versions until the last backup was made) and get rid of the "At risk" in OC?

If I pick the "decommission node" I understand that the node gets the the attibute "Decommissioned=yes" and that all data gets expired according to the policy (my one is 90 - 90 -90 -90) and that seems to not be soo good in my case.

Any ideas of some workaround to get a better status in OC?

Very easy:

In OC, in the Clients view, select one or many nodes, then click on upload_2017-11-30_11-59-22.png on the toolbar. This dialog box will appear and you can bypass warnings for these nodes.


Or from a command line:
set nodeatriskinterval NODENAME type=bypassed
Its a shame there is no more granularity to this setting.
I would like the option for the OC to report completed backups with RC=4 0r RC=8 to show as GREEN. These kinds of Return Codes can often come about due to repeated corrupted files or locked files (in use).

Completely Missed scheduled Backups should display as RED [At Risk - SEVERE]
Part Failed scheduled backups should display as YELLOW [At Risk - DATA]
Pending or Started scheduled backups should display as BLUE - as they currently do ;)

Apologies to those amongst us who are colour blind.. :oops:
You can, to some extent.

If you click on the settings (gear icon) in the top right corner and select Settings, you can set to be at-risk for skipped files (RC=4) or not.

You probably understood that part, but this doesn't look at schedules at all. Just if a successful back occurred during the "at-risk" criteria, doesn't matter if it's scheduled or manual. For example, if you would use a different scheduler, like cron or AT, it would still pick those up here. It will show green if it had a successful backup within the threshold, or red if it didn't
Thanks Marclant,

Yep, so this is close but yeah, I find it turns the previously 'At-Risk' Red client backup nodes with an RC=4 or 8 to yellow (Warning) on the OC dashboard, which can result in a not too impressive looking Client tile. :(

For Example...


The At-Risk %, as you say, does come down, but management and customers like to see more GREEN than anything else. :cool:
Be interesting to see how the daily Data Protection email report looks in terms of Backup success rate after this change.
What I find is that many of the "at-risk" are repeat offenders. I always recommend to my customers to go for the low hanging fruits to make the biggest dent in the success rate. Best way it to get a list of nodes and filespaces and the last time they had a successful backup. I use this query to find out filespaces that either never had a backup or not had a successful backup in more than a week. That tells me they are repeat offenders and not exceptions:

Protect: SERVER1>select cast(node_name as char(25)) as Node,cast(filespace_name as char(50)) as Filespace,backup_end as "Last successful backup" from filespaces where backup_end<current_timestamp-7 days or backup_end is null order by backup_end desc

Fix the issues with the repeat offenders and that will improve the success rate.

What many also do is set the "at-risk" for the server at 2 or 3 days. So if you have a client that misses or fails one day, it's not counted, but if it fails or miss more than 2 or 3 days in a row, then it's at risk. For the majority of systems it's usually acceptable. And then manually set it to 1 day for highly critical nodes (Tier 1), so that you know right away when they miss or fail.
Which version of the operation center is this ??
I have seen normal, at risk & by passed, i think you got 5 options.. Warnings in amber? ... what is the other one in gray, is that for decommissioned nodes?