Client password expired


Oct 11, 2007
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Hi ,

Can some one help "how to find a client which is going to expire its password in next ----- (3, 5,7) days.

Thanks in advance
You can't get when it expires, but you can get when it was set. You can use a select on the nodes table. The field PWSET_TIME gives you the date/time the password was set.
select NODE_NAME,PWSET_TIME,PASSEXP from nodes order by PWSET_TIME asc
Is there any script which can help to know in advance about password expiration of a node.
Nothing that already exists, but you can build one using SQL. I'm not too good at it, but if you know your password retention, looks like it's 90 days, you can run the query to get all the nodes with a password set > 85 days.

One way to save a lot of unnecessary management of password is to set it to "passwordaccess generate", it will automatically generate a new password periodically and save it encrypted in the registry or password file, all TSM Clients components will work fine without being prompted for the password.
Does anyone have a TSM Script to alert the mail group to update password expiring for TDP nodes?
FYI if you have nodes with password expiration not set you need to modify the query above slightly:

select node_name, PASSEXP from nodes where PASSEXP <> '0' or PASSEXP is null
if your password expire policy is set to default i.e. 90 days then here is the script which will give you the list of nodes which is going to expire their password in next 5 days. you can adjust the no. of days at your convenience.

SELECT node_name, domain_name, platform_name, TO_CHAR(PWSET_TIME,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as "PWSET_TIME" FROM nodes WHERE DAYS(current_date)-DAYS(PWSET_TIME)>85 ORDER BY "PWSET_TIME"